from April 2007 by subject

<abbr>, <acronym> and initialisms

<canvas> (was Re: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

<font> (was Support Existing Content)

<object> attributes (Was: Versioning and html[5])

<table type="rowsortable">

<table> terse mode for data entry

[admin] switch to monthly archives

[OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Re[2]: Fwd: Re[2]: New html-element: table3

[public-html] <none>

[suggestion] Allow DIV inside any element

[whatwg] <video> element feedback

[whatwg] Default (informal) Style Sheet

[whatwg] Video proposals

[XBL Primer] new scenarios

A Compromise to the Versioning Debate

A Concrete Example for the HTML Versioning Debate

abbreviations in canonical HTML (thoughts & concrete suggestions)

About the Web Forms 2 proposal

About the Web Forms 2 proposal -- from a proposed design principles point of view

about this mailing list

access to client-side files [was: Proposal to Adopt HTML5 -- procedural issue]

agenda: HTML WG teleconference 2007-04-26T17:00:00Z

agenda: HTML WG teleconference 2007-04-26T17:00:00Z (invited participants)

Allow DIV inside any element

Alternate HTML 5 adoption proposal?

Alternate HTML 5 adoption proposal? (Was Re: Level of specification detail)

Another look at the Proposed Design Principles

Aphorisms of First Principle [was Proposed Design Principles]

are necessary tag PACK ?

argument for deprecating BLOCKQUOTE in canonical HTML/XHTML

beforeprint event

beforeprint event (was: Re: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

BoF at XTech

BoF at XTech (was: Re: no HTML WG meeting around XTech)

brainstorm: alternative form controls

brainstorm: attributes as virtual tags

brainstorm: lines and existing html-elements

brainstorm: repeating form controls

Bring back <ol start="N"> in Strict mode

Browser Fragment Positioning (was Default (informal) Style Sheet)


Canvas (was: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

Canvas [was RE: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group]

Canvas testing Re: tasks to supplement HTML specification development

Care with subject lines and threads [was: Proposal to Adopt ...]

CSS for print

CSS for print (was: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

Current working draft

Default (informal) Style Sheet

DefaultStyleSheet05: (was Default (informal) Style Sheet)

denying users direct access to document source

deprecate HR; replace with LS (logical seperator)

Design Principles Document update

Design Principles Update

Design Principles updated

Design principles: added three examples

Desing principles - Support World Languages example added

Deviance from SGML (was Re: Version information)

Doctypes and the dialects of HTML 5

Dublin workshop on web authoring

E-mail subscription and RSS

Editor and authors

Editor and authors Re: HTML5 proposal response

ensuring the existence & enhancing the power of Q

Eolas vs. <object>

FAQ on joining the HTML WG as an Invited Expert

Feature Strings

Form fields for uploading

Formal definition of HTML5

Formal definition of HTML5 (was Re: Version information)

Fwd: Re: [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Re[2]: New html-element: table3

Fwd: Re[2]: New html-element: table3

Fwd: Re[4]: New html-element: table3

GIF was -- Mandated Video Format (was: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

Hand-coding HTML

Hand-coding HTML (was: New html-element: table3)

How frozen is frozen?

How to refer to place of document, which is not marked by author!?

HTML forms, XForms, Web Forms - which and how much?

HTML version issue summary?

HTML WG Glossary

HTML WG teleconference 2007-04-26 minutes for review

HTML WG teleconference Thu 26 Apr 1700UTC (meeting call, survey)


HTML5 as our specification text for review? (formal question WBS survey)

HTML5 proposal response


If we have versioning, it should be in an attribute, not the doctype

innerHTML and setTimeout

INPUT-PIC form control

Intent to Conform (was Re: Version information)

Introduce <term> element

Issue Tracking

Issue Tracking (was: Proposal to Adopt HTML5)

legacy of incompetence? [was: a compromise to the versioning debate]

Let every element have a src attribute

Let use this convention for conversation

Level of specification detail

Level of specification detail (Was Re: Proposal to Adopt HTML5)

Links to DOM Ranges (was Re: argument for deprecating BLOCKQUOTE in canonical HTML/XHTML)

Mandated Video Format

Mandated Video Format (was: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

Mask in string of address

Meta-question : why so few "Re: " subjects ?

Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group

Microsoft versioning proposal

missing principle

missing principle (small)

Multipart response support

Naming Wiki Pages

New discussion group are need

new form control

New html-element: table3

New widget: picture

no HTML WG meeting around XTech

Nomination for Co-Editor: Dave Hyatt

Non-goal for HTML: A Graphics API

Non-goal for HTML: Picture-perfect rendering

non-rectangular images & <img> tag

Now there is table-element with predetermined quantity of column.

Now there is table-element with predetermined quantity of column. But sometimes we need to visualize three tables (for example, database tables) as one table: first table contains names of rows, second table contains names of columns (this table

Now there is table-element with predetermined quantity of column.But sometimes we need to visualize three tables(for example, database tables) as one table:first table contains names of rows,second table contains names of columns (this table determine quantity of columns),third table contains data.New html-element: table-dim


Opt-in solutions ...and problems

Opt-in solutions ...and problems (was Re: Versioning and html[5])

Organization Weakness Re: Proposal to Adopt HTML5

Other roles we should fill

Other roles we should fill (survey on tasks and roles)

Overall strategy

Overall strategy (Was Re: Proposal to Adopt HTML5)

Pandering to poor authorship

Pandering to poor authorship (was Proposing <indent> vs. <blockquote>)

Parsing of HTML fragments

Patents and public

Patents and public (was: RE: Proposal to Adopt HTML5)

Perception of HTML5 (was Re: Formal definition of HTML5)

Posting to this list

Precision of <canvas> rendering (was: Re: Formal definition of HTML5)

Proposal to Adopt HTML5

Proposal to Adopt HTML5 (patent policy FAQ))

Proposal to Adopt HTML5 (progress on recruiting editors)

Proposal to Adopt HTML5 -- procedural issue

Proposed Design Principles

Proposed Design Principles review

Proposed Design Principles updated

Proposed Design Principles updated ("don't break the web" vs respecting MIME types)

Proposed requirement: specification should provide enough detail to handle Web content

Proposing <indent> vs. <blockquote>

quality of authoring tools' output

quality of authoring tools' output (was Versioning and html[5])

RDFa Use Cases and Primer Working Drafts - Comments Welcome!



Request for Decision: Design Principles

Request for Decision: HTML5 Proposal

Role of Chair (Was: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

scribe for today's teleconference?

Semantic vs. Presentational (was Proposing <indent> vs. <blockquote>)

semantics [was Re: Proposed Design Principles updated]

Semantics is not semantics (was: HTML WG Glossary)

Separation of versioning concerns

several messages on versioning

small consultation

special immediate form: SELECT (LOOKER)

special immediate form: TREE

special immediate form: TREE special immediate form: TREE special immediate form: TREE

specification name [was: Proposal to Adopt HTML5]

splitting HTML5 into chunks

splitting HTML5 into chunks [was: Proposal to Adopt HTML5]

static and dinamic schemes

style.background rendering - browser inconsistency

Superstructure markup

supplemental HTML WG orientation teleconference (same survey)

Support Existing Content

Support Existing Content (was: Proposed Design Principles review)

survey of top web sites

taking threads to www-archive or offline altogether

task list

tasks to supplement HTML specification development

text/javascript as default for type attribute

The argument for |bugmode|

The argument for |bugmode| (was Re: If we have versioning, it should be in an attribute, not the doctype)


The HTMLWG and WHATWG (Was: Default (informal) Style Sheet)

Update on affiliation

usability testing [was: Proposing <indent> vs. <blockquote>]

Use the role-attribute instead of predefined class names

User Agent (browser) WG at W3C [was: New discussion group are need]

Version information

Version information (was Re: HTML5 vs HTML6)

Versioning and html[5]

Versioning and the end user

Versioning of HTML fragments

VP3 as the Mandated Video Format?

wg members status

Why <video>? (was Re: Microsoft has now joined the HTML Working Group)

Why Have Design Principles? (was Re: Design Principles Document update)

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2007 23:57:52 UTC