Re: ensuring the existence & enhancing the power of Q

Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:
>> Actually, I'd rather introduce <blockcode>, because that's really
>> missing.
> Let's get <blockspan>


> <blockstrong>, <blockem>

Well, there would actually be some (rare) use cases. But semantically, 
there's no difference between <blockstrong><p>...<p>...</blockstrong> 
and <p><strong>...</strong><p><strong>...</strong>.

> <blockimg>, <blockinput>

IMG and INPUT don't have child nodes.

> <blockins>, <blockdel>

 From the HTML 4.01 spec regarding INS and DEL: "These two elements are 
unusual for HTML in that they may serve as either block-level or inline 
elements (but not both)."

> <blocklabel> <blocksup>, <blocksub>, and 
> <blockvar>

Block-level child nodes make hardly sense for those.

> If <blockcode> and <blockquote> really are 
> that semantically different from their inline cousins, then all of the 
> other inline elements should have block-level equivalents as well, don't 
> you agree?


Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2007 10:38:07 UTC