Re: Versioning and html[5]

On Apr 15, 2007, at 2:13 AM, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

> AnneVK asked you a question about this:
>  | Hi Chris,
>  |
>  | Do I understand it correctly that the following is your proposal  
> for HTML
>  | versioning:
>  |
>  |    1. Microsoft implements HTML5.
>  |    2. Microsoft ships an IE release which triggers "HTML5-mode"
>  |       when a page uses <!doctype html5>.
>  |    3. Microsoft fixes bugs.
>  |    4. When more than 0.5% of the content out there uses
>  |       <!doctype html5> Microsoft stops fixing bugs.
>  |    5. Back to step one incrementing the HTML version number by one.
>  |
>  | (Instead of <!doctype html5> some other identifier could have  
> been used of
>  | course, such as the suggested <!doctype html> or <!doctype  
> html><html
>  | version=5>, etc.)
> It would be helpful if you could comment on this. How many levels and
> years do you think it will take before all implementations reach the
> ideal goal?

I asked basically the same question before Chris published his essay.  
I am assuming the answer is yes, this is what he means, but it would  
be nice to have a totally clear statement on this.


Received on Sunday, 15 April 2007 22:47:34 UTC