Re: Intent to Conform (was Re: Version information)

On Apr 12, 2007, at 11:01 AM, Chris Wilson wrote:

> Maciej Stachowiak [] wrote:
>> Fair enough, but <!DOCTYPE html> has the significant advantage that
>> it triggers standards mode in current browsers, so it's easier to
>> make content that degrades gracefully. I don't think <!DOCTYPE html5>
>> would.
> Umm, it does in IE.  And I'd expect it to in any other browser, too  
> - it's an unknown doctype.

I tested, and <!DOCTYPE html5> triggers quirks mode in Firefox and  
Safari but not Opera or IE/Mac (I don't know if IE on Windows uses  
the same algorithm). <!DOCTYPE html> doesn't trigger quirks mode in  
any of these.

I used this test, you should get red in quirks mode, green in  
standards mode, due to the quirk to allow hex color without leading #:

<!DOCTYPE html5>
.foo {
     width: 400px;
     height: 400px;
     background-color: lime;
     background-color: ff0000;
<div class="foo"></div>

>> And conversely, saying that HTML5 documents start with <!DOCTYPE
>> html><html> (which is already distinguishable from HTML4) would not
>> rule out requiring <!DOCTYPE html><html version=6> for HTML6.
> Would you put the version attribute on <html> in html5?

My initial inclination would be no, but I'll reserve further judgment  
on versioning issues until I have a chance to read your essay and  
ponder it.


Received on Thursday, 12 April 2007 20:40:25 UTC