RE: CSS for print

Also sprach Chris Wilson:

 > Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

 > >Prince has implemented some of the proposed functionality...
 > Do you really want to set the precedent that shipping a prototype
 > implementation carries weight in discussions?

Absolutely, implementation experience is very important in spec
design, I believe. As long as the the implementors take care to shield
WD functionality from REC functionality, I see no harm. This is how
both Mozilla and Prince supports multi-column layout today:

The draft notes, in the status section, that "Several implementations
have occurred over the past year, and this draft incorporates useful
feedback from implementors as well as authors and users."

Your opinion is different?

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 6 April 2007 18:18:42 UTC