brainstorm: repeating form controls

Can i initiate any other discussion except about BLOCKQUOTE and video :)

Let's consider how to duplicate html-elements by widget "input-button"
(new tag MULTI is necessary to group elements).
Let's consider example for rows of table:
widget "input-button" with name "unimportant" add one row of table, if you press on it
(new row will appears below identical rows).

  <th> acceptance date </th>
  <th> sacking date </th>
  <th> organization name </th>
  <th> sacking reason </th>

 <multi name="workplace">
  <td> <input type="text" name="in_date"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="out_date"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="ltd"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="why"> </td>
<input type="button" name="unimportant" value="Add Row" press="workplace">

<button type="add" press="workplace">Add Row</button>

If you embrace several rows of table by rectangle by mouse
and press button "back" of browser,
than browser delete these rows.

If you don't embrace beforehand,
but press button "back" of browser,
than browser delete the lowest (last created) row.

I think, that this way is more easy,

Besides that, i think, that sending information as xml
(see the following) is better, than in traditional way

<workplace in_date="01.90" out_date="01.91" ltd="AAA" why="aaa">
<workplace in_date="01.92" out_date="01.93" ltd="BBB" why="bbb">
<workplace in_date="01.94" out_date="01.95" ltd="CCC" why="ccc">
<workplace in_date="01.96" out_date="01.97" ltd="DDD" why="ddd">

What are you think about two these ideas ?

Received on Monday, 9 April 2007 10:02:26 UTC