Re: A Compromise to the Versioning Debate

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> That's not weird. We're all human and make mistakes. The design has to 
> take imperfection into account. This means imperfection in the 
> implementation, the generated HTML (whether by hand or tool), even the 
> specification, etc.
> Even skillful web developers rely on error handling as can be seen by 
> the broken tools (no tool is perfect) they sometimes have to work with.
> The web is also not solely for skillful web developers, but also for 
> teachers who quickly want to set up some coursework pages for 
> instance. They might want to edit HTML by hand, but you can't expect 
> them to fully comprehend what they're doing up to the details of 
> setting up the right MIME types and dealing with character encoding 
> issues. That's just silly. (Those last points probably apply to 
> "skillful" web developers as well as quite often they have some 
> encoding issue although I suspect that problem might be less visible 
> now since blogging tools have mostly fixed their issues with those.)

-Mike Schinkel -

Received on Monday, 16 April 2007 05:59:26 UTC