Fwd: Re: [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Re[2]: New html-element: table3

Good day, Thomas.

TB> You can easily transform this into:
TB> <table>

TB>    <tbody>
TB>       <tr>
TB>          <th id="1">RowName1</th>
TB>          <td>Data11</td>
TB>          <td>Data12</td>
TB>          <td>Data13</td>
TB>       </tr>
TB>       <tr>
TB>          <th id="2">RowName2</th>
TB>          <td>Data21</td>
TB>          <td>Data22</td>
TB>          <td>Data23</td>
TB>       </tr>
TB>       <tr>
TB>          <th id="3">RowName3</th>
TB>          <td>Data31</td>
TB>          <td>Data32</td>
TB>          <td>Data33</td>
TB>       </tr>
TB>    </tbody>
TB> </table>

It's bad for creating table by SQL-request.

TB> I did so with the following XSLT:

You speak about how to curl-out from situation by existing manners,
but i speak about how to solve situation by easy and understandable way
(especially for un-experienced users).

Dmitry Turin

Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 05:45:58 UTC