Re: Versioning and html[5]

Ian Hickson schrieb:
> On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Chris Wilson wrote:
>>> Where HTML5 does break pages, we need to fix the spec. If this means 
>>> getElementById() changes to look for 'name' attributes, sobeit.
>> I think that's a mistake, but okay.
> You think it's a mistake to make the spec be such that implementing the 
> spec is all that is needed to handle existing content?

It would be a mistake in this particular case. There's getElementsByName 
and form.elements to look for named elements. Defining IE's behaviour in 
a spec wouldn't do any developer a favour. It is nonsensical and needs 
to be fixed. Sites that rely on it (I wonder if they really exist) are 
already broken in other browsers.


Received on Saturday, 14 April 2007 11:06:01 UTC