Re: Nomination for Co-Editor: Dave Hyatt

On Apr 22, 2007, at 12:50 AM, Brad Fults wrote:

>> > I wish I had someone to nominate, but I'm afraid I don't.  I'm
>> > curious how palatable to the other browser vendors an editor from
>> > Microsoft would be?  Not very, I suspect...
>> Since one of the co-chairs is a Microsoft employee, I don't think
>> they particularly need any more representation or influence.
> I really don't agree with the anti-Microsoft sentiment here or on any
> other topic discussed in this WG. I would have no problem having one
> of the editors be from Microsoft, assuming that Microsoft has joined
> this group in good faith and that our editors will perform as Karl
> Dubost described [1].

To be clear, I don't think it would be a good idea to have a co-chair  
and a co-editor representing the same company regardless what that  
company is. Also, I believe this suggestion was made with a thought  
to better represent the Microsoft point of view, and I think it is  
well-enough represented.


Received on Sunday, 22 April 2007 10:01:05 UTC