from June 2011 by subject

[Bug 10230] Decisions need to be made in timely manner

[Bug 10640] Allow for non-nullable objects

[Bug 10671] consider adding support for PUT and DELETE as form methods

[Bug 10671] consider removing support for PUT and DELETE as form methods

[Bug 10720] Remove modifications to Extensibility section

[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb

[Bug 10919] Allow role="presentation" to override the default role of any element

[Bug 11035] Deleted SMS

[Bug 11181] link type "external" either not useful or underspecified

[Bug 11191] Run scripts based on a parser flag rather than on being a fragment parser

[Bug 11197] Require Change Proposals in order to reintroduce a change related to a revert

[Bug 11452] should describe how to send the filename when the field is a file field. It should send the filename as "filename" parameter and its character encoding must be _charset_.

[Bug 11508] suboptimal CDATA example

[Bug 11593] <video> the <track> @kind attribute should include the all of the identified accessibility content types

[Bug 11602] <video> define precisely how autoplay overrides preload

[Bug 11812] The align attribute on the td and th elements should be conforming

[Bug 11842] <video> Default track enabling for video elements seems to miss a qualifier

[Bug 11857] getData() with no or too many arguments should throw

[Bug 11896] html-letter.pdf appears truncated

[Bug 11896] PUB: html-letter.pdf isn't generating properly

[Bug 11981] <video> There's a race condition with autoplay if the autoplay attribute is removed in e.g. 'loadstart' event listener

[Bug 11984] Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 12043] <video> For better compatibility with .SRT, could the FULL STOP be replaced with a COMMA? So instead of 00:00:00.000 it would be 00:00:00,000

[Bug 12072] Comments before <!DOCTYPE html> should be forbidden

[Bug 12076] <video> Recast WebVTT parser so that it first does line breaking then handles each line, instead of being character-oriented

[Bug 12100] UAs do not actually convert DOMStrings to sequences of Unicode characters. Test case: data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>document.documentElement.title = "\ud800"; alert(document.documentElement.title.charCodeAt(0));</script> Expected 65533, got 5529

[Bug 12101] "Structured clone" can be passed an object with a hostile getter that returns an object identical to itself; "structured clone" does not prevent such an infinite regression.

[Bug 12117] Coordination

[Bug 12141] <video> Specifically state that all <track> options be exposed to the end user

[Bug 12154] b and strong are font-weight: bolder in implementations, not font-weight: bold

[Bug 12175] <video> the order of the loadedmetadata, loadeddata and suspend event is not defined

[Bug 12182] <video> "The ready states" vs "Network states" (editorial, heading titles)

[Bug 12186] <video> Should explicitly state that TimeRanges.end() is inclusive, so that if the browser reverts to HAVE_METADATA while playing, the .buffered.end(0) value is the last rendered frame, and .currentTime is the next frame, and so that when .ended

[Bug 12191] <video> The spec doesn't currently seem to handle the situation of seeking to a point beyond the end of a presumed-infinite stream, whether by advancing monotonically to that point or arbitrarily seeking to that point.

[Bug 12192] <video> Would be great to see a sample .vtt file!

[Bug 12195] <video> canplay event is fired long before one can play in any meaningful way

[Bug 12199] Step 4.4 "For each character ..." -> It must operate on a sequence of characters, not on a character. Otherwise it would generate overlong form when the encoding is stateful (e.g. consider ISO-2022-JP's escape sequences).

[Bug 12212] Wrong spam filter

[Bug 12222] Drop rel=external. It doesn't do anything anywhere. Pages that use it mostly use it as a scripting hook to inject target=_blank to get around validation.

[Bug 12224] Drop rel=pingback. The Pingback spec seems dead and unused, and redundant with the Referer header.

[Bug 12227] <video> The readyState check in the "potentially playing" definition should not be used to influence GC of media elements

[Bug 12228] All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.

[Bug 12235] Make <xmp> conforming

[Bug 12241] Should form="" always make the input unassociated?

[Bug 12242] Make UTF-16 an invalid encoding in Polyglot Markup (i18n-issue-17)

[Bug 12243] Conformance of aria-describedby="" and aria-labelledby="" attributes pointing to interactive content

[Bug 12245] @size on <select> drop-downs is not enough to specify the drop-down maxlength on long options lists with scrollbars

[Bug 12254] Investigate if <progress> element wouldn't need to be form-associated element

[Bug 12262] select(), selectionStart, selectionEnd and setSelectionRange() should apply to <input type='email'>

[Bug 12267] <video> Make video state transitions happen in the same task as firing events

[Bug 12283] <video> No indication of parsing error

[Bug 12288] select.size should be limited to non-negative numbers instead of non-negative numbers greater than zero

[Bug 12289] <video> suspend event "Dispatched when..." is incorrect

[Bug 12299] The (normative and non-normative) assertion that tokenlist.item(index) / tokenlist[index] returns null for index>=length appears to be in conflict with WebIDL, at least for the index property case; afaict WebIDL requires that index property getters throw

[Bug 12303] <video> TextTrack is missing an IDL attribute for @default

[Bug 12304] <video> Would be nicer if PAUSED was defined on Stream instead of GeneratedStream

[Bug 12315] <video> The definition of the CLOSED state should be changed to only refer to the case of close() being called.

[Bug 12318] feature request: a more semantic tag for non-intl-measures?

[Bug 12357] Text in a MathML text integration point doesn't behave as in an HTML integration point

[Bug 12358] <video> typo: "still have a paused attribute this is true"

[Bug 12360] <video> It seems more accurate to say that the media element "is not currently playing" instead of saying "is paused or not". The phrase "is paused" seems to imply that it's been manually paused by the user, but this would not apply...

[Bug 12364] <video> which is "the first selected video track"?

[Bug 12367] <video> Suggestion about multiple tracks for best practices section

[Bug 12382] The traverse the history by a delta algorithm breaks down if a history traversal is already queued.

[Bug 12387] <video> Summary incorrectly states that media.currentTime throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception

[Bug 12390] A sandboxed MIME type attribute would be better than a fully qualified MIME type

[Bug 12391] showModalDialog() should be blocked by sandbox attribute

[Bug 12392] Behavior for target attribute links should be better defined for sandboxed contexts

[Bug 12393] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox

[Bug 12398] Tokenizer stuck in ScriptDataDoubleEscapedState

[Bug 12399] Expose statistics for media elements

[Bug 12401] "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents." "[...] it has no effect in the XHTML syntax." Why is this? Is this to intentionally confuse or restrict web developers into using a particular habit? There is no fathomable functionally practical r

[Bug 12404] Structured Clone and Arrays (implementation notes and clarifications sought)

[Bug 12405] <video> There's a problem with overlaying a sign-language video and using native controls, because the overlaid video overlaps the native controls

[Bug 12406] There is no definition or reference to a definition for "dirty value flag".

[Bug 12408] review comment tool buggy. help button mostly hidden off right edge of screen. purpose of button labeled "27A1" unclear.

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12410] fillText needs stricter definitions so that it's 100% uniform

[Bug 12412] <video> Allow video and/or audio being sent over PeerConnection to be temporarily muted

[Bug 12412] <video> As specified, video can't be disabled. This is needed for "video mute". Suggested solution: Move "enable" and "disable" from MultipleTrackList to TrackList.

[Bug 12412] As specified, video can't be disabled. This is needed for "video mute". Suggested solution: Move "enable" and "disable" from MultipleTrackList to TrackList.

[Bug 12413] Handling of <table border=0> is incompatible with the Web

[Bug 12414] Does the srclang imply a lang attribute for the track element? If that's the idea, please say it explicitly. Otherwise, please add lang attributes to the example of a video element with track attributes, as the label attribute values should have their lan

[Bug 12415] <video> this should not be unsigned long if it has to return -1 in case nothing is selected.

[Bug 12416] <video> isEnabled in exclusive track lists should probably be renamed to something like selectedIndex or selectedTrack.

[Bug 12416] isEnabled in exclusive track lists should probably be renamed to something like selectedIndex or selectedTrack.

[Bug 12417] HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12418] <video> "dispatched when" for seeking event is out of sync with normative text

[Bug 12419] According to the spec, the term “Garage Door Opener”, not “GDO” is being defined in the example.

[Bug 12423] Setting .value on a textarea should set the dirty flag to true

[Bug 12425] User interface of temporal media fragment URI in @src of video element

[Bug 12426] <video> Effect when @src of video element contains temporal media fragment URI and @loop

[Bug 12427] User interface of spatial media fragment URI in <img> or <video> resource, or in browser navigation

[Bug 12429] Should cloning properties preserve configurability, readonlyness, etc?

[Bug 12432] Would it be fair to say that making html5 documentation available in a convenient compressed archive would not be such a difficult task for a great big organization like w3c? And wouldn't it also be fair to say that even the famous w3c has a lame web serv

[Bug 12441] Can arg1 of drawImage be just Element? If so, it can capture some of rendered subtree elements.

[Bug 12444] Canvas rendering should be done in linear color space (gamma 1) and the result displayed in sRGB color space (approximately gamma 2.2)

[Bug 12448] The style element (Korean description error) scoped 속성이 "없는" 경우: 플로우 컨텐츠 If the scoped attribute is present: flow content. 오타입니다. scoped 속성이 있는 경우 flow content가 됩니다.

[Bug 12449] The definition of the IDL attribute text is misleading, since the syntax allows only text inside a title element. The attribute should be defined as a synonym for innerText (for this element). Existing browsers treat markup inside title element as charact

[Bug 12451] Spelling error in example: funciton noStream (funciton > function).

[Bug 12452] Make sure acknowledgements are updated

[Bug 12463] html5 web form

[Bug 12466] Why the word pop? Seems so ambiguous. I would have gone with statechange, or historychange. I'd like to know the reason behind the decision for popstate?

[Bug 12469] Dynamic Cross-Site Scripting and Page Repainting

[Bug 12470] In the last paragraph, please add the word "vertical", since the intent is apparently that _vertical_ margins at the top or bottom of body, td, or th elements be collapsed to zero. That's what browsers do in quirks mode. But horizontal margins are honored

[Bug 12471] Please consider changing the expected rendering of abbr[title] and acronym[title] to use border-bottom instead of text-decoration: dotted underline, which has much more limited support (being in CSS3 Text, not CSS 2.1), conflicts with existing browser def

[Bug 12473] The abstract of the Living Standard™ multipage spec should remove the <device> element reference to match the kitchen sink spec.

[Bug 12475] Implemented in Opera 11.10 -

[Bug 12476] Trying to build forms it's disappointing that you can't wrap a form element around most table elements like rows, headers or footers, for example. That prevents you from easily creating submit inputs (like save and delete) for each individual data record

[Bug 12479] The intro indicates that this spec is what "used to be" HTML5, but there are still references to "version 5" (This specification defines version 5 of DOM HTML) which is now more confusing than when it _was_ HTML 5 and version 5 of the DOM. Is the DOM real

[Bug 12480] PDF print versions:

[Bug 12481] PDF print versions: Letter: I trie to open this link in Microsoft IE Browser 9 with Adobe X 10.0.1; Call back from browser sted this PDF file was damaged. In other words the file would not

[Bug 12482] When is a media element created?

[Bug 12484] typo in

[Bug 12485] <video> Should the TrackList, MultipleTrackList and ExclusiveTrackList be NoInterfaceObjects?

[Bug 12488] Use <time> to add publishing dates for the docs of the Reference section.

[Bug 12490] potential conflict between Link: and <link> semantics

[Bug 12492] In the article element definition, the nested article exemple should use <ol>

[Bug 12495] please mark the reference to RFC1345 as non-normative

[Bug 12498] <audio> and <video> are missing muted="" in the element summary table

[Bug 12499] I think it would be better if required attribute wasnt boolean type. This attribute should set text, which is showed when textfield is required.

[Bug 12508] Unclear how to handle <link href> when the href value is only whitespace

[Bug 12520] Why the word dirty for the arguments to putImageData? Normally, dirty refers to something that has changed, and I think that connotation infers that the rectangle may not be copied if it hasn't changed. However, that is not the case, as far as I can tell

[Bug 12521] The document.readyState authoring usage note doesn't match the implementation requirements

[Bug 12530] <video> Make TrackList an Array-like list of Track objects and move get* into those

[Bug 12530] Make TrackList an Array-like list of Track objects and move get* into those

[Bug 12531] Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 12536] measureText() needs to return the height as well as the width.

[Bug 12538] Need a name attribute for the toppings?

[Bug 12541] <video> Media Element seeking: the asynchronous behaviour of steps 5-12 causes unexpected, unwanted behaviour when getting the currentTime immediately after it's been set.

[Bug 12541] Media Element seeking: the asynchronous behaviour of steps 5-12 causes unexpected, unwanted behaviour when getting the currentTime immediately after it's been set.

[Bug 12543] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12544] MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12545] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires loop attribute for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12546] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires autoplay attribute for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12547] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires readyState for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12547] MEDIA CONTROLLER requires readyState for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12548] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires onended event

[Bug 12549] At 7:07 AM (Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 12:07:00 PM UTC) the link to the "html-letter.pdf" document provides a PDF file that cannot be loaded (by Chrome or by OS X Preview). The "html-a4.pdf" is fine and can be loaded; just the "html-letter.pdf" is broke

[Bug 12552] function msgStop() should be using "msgStream" (not "stream") reference

[Bug 12560] Not sure if this is the right place for such a comment, but although support for an external text file for subtitles or captions is a great addition to the standard I would also recommend that display of embedded track data already injected into the media

[Bug 12561] Add the @action in the <form> so that there is a way to submit to the same page

[Bug 12563] <video> Make standard to play these codecs in <video>

[Bug 12563] Make standard to play these codecs in <video>

[Bug 12564] This, for me is definately the way to go with text tracks. Since the text is embedded in the media file "In-Band" it means the content never gets lost. This is how we treat audio with video and is how DVD treated text too. Some devices such as iOS may not

[Bug 12565] This section should clarify whether the following code should work: 'document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("manifest", "offline.manifest");'

[Bug 12566] draft-ietf-httpstate-cookie published as RFC 6265

[Bug 12569] "Resource" Package Support

[Bug 12570] Missing informative reference to PDF

[Bug 12570] Missing normative reference to PDF

[Bug 12577] Offline Web applications: we should discourage the inclusion of the main page in the manifest

[Bug 12579] typo: "invoke" should be "invoked".

[Bug 12580] This sentence is a comma splice

[Bug 12582] unable to modify

[Bug 12583] (sx, sy), (sx+sw, sy), (sx+sw, sy+sh), (sx, sy+sh) -> should this not be (sx + sw - 1) etc?

[Bug 12584] outerHTML should probably merge with adjacent text nodes if applicable. IE seems to do this to some extent, and WebKit just changed to do it: <> This test shows behavior for outerText and outerHTML: <http://so

[Bug 12588] thehat your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it.

[Bug 12592] Spec should prohibit some MIME types (e.g. "text/xml") implemented by user agents as script languages, even if it could contain scripts, to not break documents which use them as data rather than scripts

[Bug 12600] <video>In the ExclusiveTrackList object the unsigned long type is used for the selected indices. However, it's unclear if -1 is reserved to the no selection case (see non-normative box below). In this case, the type of the indices should be a signed long.

[Bug 12606] x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm should normalize single CR and LF characters

[Bug 12607] [HTML DOM][XMLHttpRequest object] Ass property so that: Do not follow location headers

[Bug 12625] Bug in WebIDL of HTMLElement

[Bug 12634] s/glpyh/glyph/

[Bug 12636] i can't see any errors. the page is taking forever to load, i'm getting hte spinning pinwheel (osx "beach ball") and scrolling vertically is slow as hell

[Bug 12638] make SVG files be embbeded by the IMG tag or maybe a SVG embed tag, thanks!

[Bug 12642] The description of article element should say ”page or article”, not ”page or section”, as clause 4.4.10 clearly specifies that the scope is the nearest enclosing body or article element.

[Bug 12643] <video> change of fragment in media fragment URI consequences

[Bug 12647] Explain why get and post are the only allowed methods here, esp. why put and delete are not allowed

[Bug 12651] More things should set salvageable. Like XHR. See <> for relevant code in safari (thanks ap)

[Bug 12653] There's a small typo in the example, funciton noStream(), where function is spelt incorrectly.

[Bug 12662] <video> Add a section with suggestions for the 'chapters' text track kind, demonstrating how nested time ranges can be used for hierarchical chapters.

[Bug 12663] [editorial] aria-readonly is a property, not a state

[Bug 12664] Warn about the perils of registering event handlers after <video>

[Bug 12665] This definition seems slightly wrong; if you have a tree like (assume XML-style parsing) <select><optgroup><optgroup><option>foo[...] UAs give options.length = 1, not 0. Basically the algorithm is that you walk the subtree rooted at the select, include a

[Bug 12676] DATA_CLONE_ERR code mismatch

[Bug 12680] Click on the "cross-origin" definition. The popup has status annotation boxes which overlaps the links.

[Bug 12681] <video> should not have force same-origin flag set by default. No browser does that and content is relying on cross-origin video to just work by now.

[Bug 12687] Constructing the form data set - for input type image

[Bug 12694] Include an example for <select required>

[Bug 12697] Word omission: 'some *of* the infrastructure'

[Bug 12705] setTransform spec silent on what to do with singular matrices

[Bug 12707] popstate API still not fully updated to match Firefox implementation

[Bug 12713] Mapping microdata in RDF (section 5.2)

[Bug 12715] When used to include data blocks (as opposed to scripts), the data must be embedded inline

[Bug 12718] Handling datetimes in microdata-to-RDF conversion

[Bug 12723] The page freezes and don't respond.

[Bug 12725] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12726] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12727] Contradicts HTML5

[Bug 12728] This is not the proper WG for this document

[Bug 12733] Various typos in Decision Policy

[Bug 12734] Clarify what types of changes can be made outside the decision process

[Bug 12741] Why has noscript no effect in XHTML syntax? Rationale would be nice.

[Bug 12744] The crossdomain attribute named as such may prove an attractive talisman for copy-paste/cargocult authors, such that they start applying it on _any_ out of domain img regardless of CORS, especially when they see the no attribute string form <img crossdoma

[Bug 12775] Suggestion for and iframes

[Bug 12776] Define process for deciding whether a draft is REC-track or Note-track

[Bug 12781] Allow "maxlength" attribute for number fields

[Bug 12785] Suppose the user had entered "" into this text field, and then started typing a second e-mail address starting with "a". The user agent might show both the two friends mentioned earlier, as well as the "astrophy" and "astronomy" values give

[Bug 12787] 2D canvas createPattern(null, ...) should raise TypeError, not TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR

[Bug 12790] Polyglot markup: WWW usecases + "alternative solutions that have been identified"

[Bug 12791] The maxlength attribute example

[Bug 12792] Publish the polyglot 'Sample Page' as 'application/xhtml+xml'

[Bug 12793] @scheme attribute conflicts with Dublin Core encoding scheme declarations

[Bug 12794] <video> Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 12794] [video] Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 12795] <video> Shouldn't it be "ruby" on step 1?

[Bug 12797] Define default maxlength for input

[Bug 12799] maxlength should come after max in color

[Bug 12800] Enhancement request for input element

[Bug 12803] Do not remove font, strike, center, align, alink, etc.

[Bug 12804] HTML5 Video Tag

[Bug 12806] I've been working with this and testing out the new "abilities" for a little while and haven't noted errors or uncooperative code outside of browser capabilities. I wish I were more helpful, like the bug tracker, but believe I've developed a good working

[Bug 12809] Invalid examples using link and meta elements in the body

[Bug 12812] [WebVTT] need to specify default CSS unit when not percentage

[Bug 12813] [WebVTT] explanation of cue settings aren't extracted into webvtt.html

[Bug 12813] PUB: [WebVTT] explanation of cue settings aren't extracted into webvtt.html

[Bug 12814] [WebVTT] missing BIDI reference

[Bug 12814] PUB: [WebVTT] missing BIDI reference

[Bug 12817] The hr element (and others) Compliments for a great piece of work. However, one issue threatens to undermine the future of HTML5: wellformedness is not required. This may generally lead to ambiguity (did the author intentionally omit the closing tag?) and

[Bug 12820] Hi guys, I am finding it frustrating that security features prevent me from writing a useful app in HTML5 that will run solely on the client machine. It seems that windows can talk to each other if their is a parent / child relationship - UNLESS you load

[Bug 12822] How would one use elements based on a XSD 1.1 schema?

[Bug 12828] Client-side Master pages wanted eagerly

[Bug 12829] Missing name for argument of HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob

[Bug 12830] Section: Link types What happened to the rel="apple-touch-icon"? Where can I find the discussion on this? Up until yesterday, it was considered best practice to include this link and it is still used by smartphone and tablet devices. What is the recommend

[Bug 12831] File API interfaces should have <code>

[Bug 12832] File API interfaces want a code element

[Bug 12834] LEGEND should be allowed to NOT be exactly first child of FIELDSET ("The legend element" spec section)

[Bug 12835] FIGCAPTION should be allowed to NOT be exactly first/last child of FIGURE ("The figcaption element" spec section)

[Bug 12839] @id: Define how Unicode normalization affects the 'unique identifier' status

[Bug 12839] New: @id: Define how Unicode normalization affects the 'unique identifier' status

[Bug 12840] New: The example cache manifest file is never explicitly named, yet referred to by name "clock.appcache" later. Suggest adding a line "# clock.appcache" to the top, which would be consistent with the previous example files, and also demonstrate the comment syn

[Bug 12840] The example cache manifest file is never explicitly named

[Bug 12843] New: This is great news!!!!!!!!!!

[Bug 12843] This is great news!!!!!!!!!!

[Bug 12844] New: Remove the label attribute from subclasses of HTMLElement

[Bug 12844] Remove the label attribute from subclasses of HTMLElement

[Bug 12846] New: The beforeprint and afterprint shouldn't fire if the user at any time cancels the print request. These events would imply that the user actually printed. Perhaps there should be an onprint event that fired when it is actually sent to the "printer".

[Bug 12847] New: typo, funciton should be function

[Bug 12847] typo, funciton should be function

[Bug 12848] "Subtitle" I am deaf. I love html5, it is wonderful tool. One problem with html5 video is no subtitle or closed caption. I would like you to add feature that all html5 video support closed caption subtitle. We can add file of subtitle to website with htnm

[Bug 12848] New: "Subtitle" I am deaf. I love html5, it is wonderful tool. One problem with html5 video is no subtitle or closed caption. I would like you to add feature that all html5 video support closed caption subtitle. We can add file of subtitle to website with htnm

[Bug 12849] New: why is there a 'month' type but not 'year'? I need a 'year' field for a form (to collect year, make, model of cars)

[Bug 12849] why is there a 'month' type but not 'year'? I need a 'year' field for a form (to collect year, make, model of cars)

[Bug 12850] just test the comment system.

[Bug 12850] New: just test the comment system.

[Bug 12851] Displaying such streams (both the locally-produced ones and the remotely-obtained ones)

[Bug 12851] New: Displaying such streams (both the locally-produced ones and the remotely-obtained ones)

[Bug 12853] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Sample page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Sample page</h1> <p>This is a <a href="demo.html">simple</a> sample.</p> <!-- this is a comment --> </body> </html>

[Bug 12853] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Sample page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Sample page</h1> <p>This is a <a href="demo.html">simple</a> sample.</p> <!-- this is a comment --> </body> </html>

[Bug 12854] I am quite surprised to see that things such as the list of allowed values for the "rel" attribute of the "link" tag (aka. the list of link types) as well as the list of allowed values for the "name" attribute of the "meta" tag are supposed to be listed o

[Bug 12854] New: I am quite surprised to see that things such as the list of allowed values for the "rel" attribute of the "link" tag (aka. the list of link types) as well as the list of allowed values for the "name" attribute of the "meta" tag are supposed to be listed o

[Bug 12856] New: Saying that "The dirty value flag <...> must be set to true whenever the user interacts with the control" is highly misleading. <> says t

[Bug 12857] "provided by script in the page via the server" is unclear

[Bug 12857] <video> "provided by script in the page via the server" is unclear

[Bug 12857] New: "provided by script in the page via the server" is unclear

[Bug 12858] New: This doesn't actually define "align descendants". It says which descendants are to be aligned, but not what's supposed to happen to them. Is it like floating, or something else?

[Bug 12858] This doesn't actually define "align descendants". It says which descendants are to be aligned, but not what's supposed to happen to them. Is it like floating, or something else?

[Bug 12861] HTMLOptionsCollection.add(wrongElementType) should throw

[Bug 12861] New: HTMLOptionsCollection.add(wrongElementType) should throw

[Bug 12862] New: DOMElementMap IDL getter return type incorrect

[Bug 12863] New: Make HTMLDocument name getter return type object

[Bug 12864] HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack return value not specified

[Bug 12864] New: HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack return value not specified

[Bug 12865] HTMLFormElement getter return types should be more specific

[Bug 12865] New: HTMLFormElement getter return types should be more specific

[Bug 12866] HTMLSelectElement getter return types should be more specific

[Bug 12866] New: HTMLSelectElement getter return types should be more specific

[Bug 12867] New: Hidden with autofocus

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color, date+, and number types

[Bug 12868] New: Allow placeholder for color, date+, and number types

[Bug 12869] New: Window name getter return type should be more specific

[Bug 12870] New: Minor issues with WindowTimers domintro section and timeout argument handling

[Bug 12871] DataTransferItem has inconsistent indenting

[Bug 12871] New: DataTransferItem has inconsistent indenting

[Bug 12872] New: PeerConnection configuration argument should be serverConfiguration for consistency

[Bug 12872] PeerConnection configuration argument should be serverConfiguration for consistency

[Bug 12873] New: suggested addition to *Examples of scenarios where users benefit from text alternatives for images*

[Bug 12873] suggested addition to *Examples of scenarios where users benefit from text alternatives for images*

[Bug 12874] New: question on use of image maps

[Bug 12874] question on use of image maps

[Bug 12875] New: remove the link *Providing a text alternative that is not null. (e.g., alt="spacer" or alt="image") for images that should be ignored by assistive technology [WCAG20-TECHS]*.

[Bug 12875] remove the link *Providing a text alternative that is not null. (e.g., alt="spacer" or alt="image") for images that should be ignored by assistive technology [WCAG20-TECHS]*.

[Bug 12876] New: suggestion for Example 6.4

[Bug 12876] suggestion for Example 6.4

[Bug 12877] New: remove section 3.11

[Bug 12877] remove section 3.11

[Bug 12878] Master pages wanted eagerly

[Bug 12878] New: Master pages wanted eagerly

[Bug 12879] New: Object does not support the property in internet explorer.

[Bug 12879] Object does not support the property in internet explorer.

[Bug 12880] I think the boolean attributes are generally a bad idea in HTML5 given that the intended bare syntax can't be represented in the XML syntax, and that you're effectively encouraging people to break XML compatibility for no good reason. So I'm not happy to

[Bug 12880] New: I think the boolean attributes are generally a bad idea in HTML5 given that the intended bare syntax can't be represented in the XML syntax, and that you're effectively encouraging people to break XML compatibility for no good reason. So I'm not happy to

[Bug 12881] New: "is expected to hide it" is a bit vague. Clarify that it means display:none.

[Bug 12882] <b> and <strong> should be "font-weight: bolder" (both logically and to match the CSS2 default stylesheet)

[Bug 12882] New: <b> and <strong> should be "font-weight: bolder" (both logically and to match the CSS2 default stylesheet)

[Bug 12884] Attribute width not allowed on element input at this point.

[Bug 12884] New: Attribute width not allowed on element input at this point.

[Bug 12885] Add a new input type=numeric

[Bug 12885] New: Add a new input type=numeric

[Bug 12885] WF3: Add a new input type=numeric

[Bug 12886] New: The microformats wiki seems to be down now ... do I just have bad timing, or is that not a good place to host the registry? (https:// is working, though, actually...)

[Bug 12886] The microformats wiki seems to be down now ... do I just have bad timing, or is that not a good place to host the registry? (https:// is working, though, actually...)

[Bug 12887] DataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list"): please define that spaces must be trimmed from /result/

[Bug 12887] New: DataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list"): please define that spaces must be trimmed from /result/

[Bug 12888] New: the crossorigin attribute

[Bug 12888] the crossorigin attribute

[Bug 12889] New: Please link the HTML5 Last Call document

[Bug 12889] Please link the HTML5 Last Call document

[Bug 12890] New: s/lists the popular tag/lists the popular tags/

[Bug 12891] New: to RDF conversion should seriously be in agreement with

[Bug 12891] to RDF conversion should be in agreement with

[Bug 12892] If I understand correctly the u element is for marking up iconic stuff like astrological signs, censored swearwords, etc.? As well as text that has lost its meaning because it is misspelt or otherwise corrupted? Please make the definition more clear, it i

[Bug 12892] New: If I understand correctly the u element is for marking up iconic stuff like astrological signs, censored swearwords, etc.? As well as text that has lost its meaning because it is misspelt or otherwise corrupted? Please make the definition more clear, it i

[Bug 12893] <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW"/> <title>...:Moses Page:...</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="

[Bug 12893] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW"/> <title>...:Moses Page:...</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="

[Bug 12894] New: rel=tag should not be allowed on <link>

[Bug 12894] rel=tag should not be allowed on <link>

[Bug 12896] New: getElementsByClassName/011.xml relies on unspecified error handling

[Bug 12897] New: UTF-8 BOM should trump users and/or HTTP (Encoding sniffing algorithm)

[Bug 12897] UTF-8 BOM should trump users and/or HTTP (Encoding sniffing algorithm)

[Bug 12898] any idea when this will be up and running?

[Bug 12898] New: any idea when this will be up and running?

[Bug 12899] New: select.size is an unsigned long limited to only non-negative numbers, but that concept doesn't exist

[Bug 12899] select.size is an unsigned long limited to only non-negative numbers, but that concept doesn't exist

[Bug 12900] A global attribute "contentaddedbyeditor" would be incredibly useful when testing for accessibility. It would be great to be able to distinguish between the template a template developer has produced, and the content which an editor then fills into the t

[Bug 12900] New: A global attribute "contentaddedbyeditor" would be incredibly useful when testing for accessibility. It would be great to be able to distinguish between the template a template developer has produced, and the content which an editor then fills into the t

[Bug 12901] Keep up the great work... One suggestion. Could you please align the Microdata part of the spec with Microformats and/or RDFa, instead of jnust defining yet another random markup. It would be really helpful for alot of developers who have invested time an

[Bug 12901] New: Keep up the great work... One suggestion. Could you please align the Microdata part of the spec with Microformats and/or RDFa, instead of jnust defining yet another random markup. It would be really helpful for alot of developers who have invested time an

[Bug 12902] New: Simplify input types (remove excessive date types) and add format attribute

[Bug 12902] Simplify input types (remove excessive date types) and add format attribute

[Bug 12903] HTML5 need to have a fullscreen abitity - like flash had (has) - for embedded video streams

[Bug 12903] New: HTML5 need to have a fullscreen abitity - like flash had (has) - for embedded video streams

[Bug 12905] For the attribute "required" of checkbox element, I think it should be defined as "at least one is required" but not "which fields are required". So it's better use the same constraint validation with the radio element. That is if an element in the check

[Bug 12905] New: For the attribute "required" of checkbox element, I think it should be defined as "at least one is required" but not "which fields are required". So it's better use the same constraint validation with the radio element. That is if an element in the check

[Bug 12906] Canvas should not pretend that it can be used to replace some input elements

[Bug 12906] New: Canvas should not pretend that it can be used to replace some input elements

[Bug 12907] New: The algorithm for parsing a legacy color value, steps 2 and 3, should be reversed. Given a case where string is a tab for instance, it should be treated as an empty string.

[Bug 12907] The algorithm for parsing a legacy color value, steps 2 and 3, should be reversed. Given a case where string is a tab for instance, it should be treated as an empty string.

[Bug 12908] How come we leave the first 128 characters and then divide the string into three equal parts? Last time I checked, 128 % 3 == 2.

[Bug 12908] New: How come we leave the first 128 characters and then divide the string into three equal parts? Last time I checked, 128 % 3 == 2.

[Bug 12910] I think step 7 and 10 are pretty much the same thing, ie. s/[:alnum:]/0/g.

[Bug 12910] New: I think step 7 and 10 are pretty much the same thing, ie. s/[:alnum:]/0/g.

[Bug 12911] Incorrect order of "a" properties in itemref example

[Bug 12911] New: Incorrect order of "a" properties in itemref example

[Bug 12915] Accept Arabic and Persian Unicode digits in <input type=number>

[Bug 12915] New: Accept Arabic and Persian Unicode digits in <input type=number>

[Bug 12918] I found that you limited the keywords acceptable for the meta-name attribute and for the link-rel attribute. In the specs you use exhaustive lists of allowed keywords. In my opinion you should only suggest keywords. See also

[Bug 12918] New: I found that you limited the keywords acceptable for the meta-name attribute and for the link-rel attribute. In the specs you use exhaustive lists of allowed keywords. In my opinion you should only suggest keywords. See also

[Bug 12919] New: I am running chrome 12.0.742.68 beta-m and the details element is working

[Bug 12920] Move caretBlinkRate from canvas context to a navigator interface

[Bug 12920] New: Move caretBlinkRate from canvas context to a navigator interface

[Bug 12921] New: Make caretBlinkRate a property not a method

[Bug 12922] Allow privacy exemption for caretBlinkRate

[Bug 12922] New: Allow privacy exemption for caretBlinkRate

[Bug 12923] New: Setting a reflecting attribute of type HTMLElement to something with no ID should set content attribute to empty string

[Bug 12923] Setting a reflecting attribute of type HTMLElement to something with no ID should set content attribute to empty string

[Bug 12924] New: xml:base interaction with img element

[Bug 12924] xml:base interaction with img element

[Bug 12925] in the 1st example 3 'hr' are used like an anonymous 'h#' => 'hr' should move to 4.4. The final 'hr' is of a different kind and wouldn't be there if we had lists ('dl' here) nested inside 'p'. The second example is mostly like the first three 'hr', i.e. a

[Bug 12925] New: in the 1st example 3 'hr' are used like an anonymous 'h#' => 'hr' should move to 4.4. The final 'hr' is of a different kind and wouldn't be there if we had lists ('dl' here) nested inside 'p'. The second example is mostly like the first three 'hr', i.e. a

[Bug 12926] New: The phrase "in a Document" is not consistently used in the specification

[Bug 12926] The phrase "in a Document" is not consistently used in the specification

[Bug 12927] Define what "content attribute's document" means

[Bug 12927] New: Define what "content attribute's document" means

[Bug 12929] [MIMESNIFF] needs to point to the draft by the websec working group

[Bug 12929] New: [MIMESNIFF] needs to point to the draft by the websec working group

[Bug 12930] New: Update CSS references (CSS 2.1 and CSS3 Color now a recommendation)

[Bug 12930] Update CSS references (CSS 2.1 and CSS3 Color now a recommendation)

[Bug 12931] New: On line 7 of the updateIndicator example, the attribute should be textContent instead of textContext

[Bug 12932] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In molestie sagittis nisl, eu porttitor magna lacinia ac. Suspendisse bibendum mattis massa, pulvinar sodales ante rhoncus a. Praesent semper, nisl sed ullamcorper vestibulum, ante ipsum posuere leo

[Bug 12932] New: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In molestie sagittis nisl, eu porttitor magna lacinia ac. Suspendisse bibendum mattis massa, pulvinar sodales ante rhoncus a. Praesent semper, nisl sed ullamcorper vestibulum, ante ipsum posuere leo

[Bug 12933] New: Other tags should be allowed inside an img tag

[Bug 12933] Other tags should be allowed inside an img tag

[Bug 12935] <rt> should not auto-close <rtc>

[Bug 12935] <rt> should not auto-close ancestors

[Bug 12935] New: <rt> should not auto-close <rtc>

[Bug 12937] Is there a fold/unfold TOC ?

[Bug 12937] New: Is there a fold/unfold TOC ?

[Bug 12938] New: “The attribute value can remain unquoted if it doesn't contain spaces or […]” Please replace “spaces” with “whitespace” to avoid confusion.

[Bug 12938] “The attribute value can remain unquoted if it doesn't contain spaces or […]” Please replace “spaces” with “whitespace” to avoid confusion.

[Bug 12939] New: The <COL> group used to be defined as a very useful to represent tabular data. Among the various things needed for tabular data perusing is the data alignment. In v4.01 there is an "align" and a "char" attribute that make the <COL> attribute very useful t

[Bug 12940] I suppose there's no longer a version number so no thing like "DOM5 HTML".

[Bug 12940] New: I suppose there's no longer a version number so no thing like "DOM5 HTML".

[Bug 12942] New: Time element specification phrasing error (Section 4.6.10)

[Bug 12943] Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

[Bug 12943] New: Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

[Bug 12944] I found two useful references to XHTML5 in this document: 1.6 HTML vs XHTML States: " The second concrete syntax is the XHTML syntax, which is an application of XML. When a document is transmitted with an XML MIME type, such as application/xhtml+xml, then

[Bug 12944] New: I found two useful references to XHTML5 in this document: 1.6 HTML vs XHTML States: " The second concrete syntax is the XHTML syntax, which is an application of XML. When a document is transmitted with an XML MIME type, such as application/xhtml+xml, then

[Bug 12945] "On setting, if the given element has an id attribute, then the content attribute must be set to the value of that id attribute. Otherwise, the IDL attribute must be set to the empty string." is strange and breaks reflection. If the given element isn't in

[Bug 12945] New: "On setting, if the given element has an id attribute, then the content attribute must be set to the value of that id attribute. Otherwise, the IDL attribute must be set to the empty string." is strange and breaks reflection. If the given element isn't in

[Bug 12946] "first img element descendant of the element" doesn't define properly which element. First in document order?

[Bug 12946] New: "first img element descendant of the element" doesn't define properly which element. First in document order?

[Bug 12948] New feature request: GROUP tag What I'd like to achieve in HTML is to easily access a group of elements via Javascript using a single parent element (GROUP). The GROUP element would not under any circumstance affect the layout of the page, and would not b

[Bug 12948] New: New feature request: GROUP tag What I'd like to achieve in HTML is to easily access a group of elements via Javascript using a single parent element (GROUP). The GROUP element would not under any circumstance affect the layout of the page, and would not b

[Bug 12949] click() shouldn't have special powers over dispatching click event manually

[Bug 12949] New: click() shouldn't have special powers over dispatching click event manually

[Bug 12950] New: Require Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded pages

[Bug 12950] Require Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded pages

[Bug 12952] New: remove typemustmatch

[Bug 12952] remove typemustmatch

[Bug 12954] New: List of events would be useful

[Bug 12955] Fire DOMContentLoaded at iframe when it is fired at contentWindow for convinience

[Bug 12955] New: Fire DOMContentLoaded at iframe when it is fired at contentWindow for convinience

[Bug 12956] <style scoped>: The non-normative statement "If the scoped attribute is present: where flow content is expected, but before any other flow content other than other style elements and inter-element whitespace." is not backed by a normative statement.

[Bug 12956] New: <style scoped>: The non-normative statement "If the scoped attribute is present: where flow content is expected, but before any other flow content other than other style elements and inter-element whitespace." is not backed by a normative statement.

[Bug 12957] Is it possible to supply new semantic tag, just like <img>, <canvas> and <audio>, to support view and edit ODF document or PDF document in brower? These document formats are widely used. We hope they can be manipulated in brower directly with the help of

[Bug 12957] New: Is it possible to supply new semantic tag, just like <img>, <canvas> and <audio>, to support view and edit ODF document or PDF document in brower? These document formats are widely used. We hope they can be manipulated in brower directly with the help of

[Bug 12959] It would probably be a good idea to "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents." above "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents."

[Bug 12959] New: It would probably be a good idea to "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents." above "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents."

[Bug 12960] New: Self-referential annoyance

[Bug 12960] Self-referential annoyance

[Bug 12961] New: It looks like this is actually known as "HTML DOM":

[Bug 12962] New: Typographic Conventions not implemented as portably as they could be

[Bug 12962] Typographic Conventions not implemented as portably as they could be

[Bug 12963] hola no se k es un feedakv

[Bug 12963] New: hola no se k es un feedakv

[Bug 12964] <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 12964] New: <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 12966] New: Why the { items: [item, ...] } when the object has only property?

[Bug 12966] Why the { items: [item, ...] } when the object has only one property?

[Bug 12967] I feel this part is not clear enough. When should the developers call update()? Should they call update() before swapCache()? Must swapCache() be called before reload? I've tried that even without calling swapCache(), once manifest changed, the file will

[Bug 12967] New: I feel this part is not clear enough. When should the developers call update()? Should they call update() before swapCache()? Must swapCache() be called before reload? I've tried that even without calling swapCache(), once manifest changed, the file will

[Bug 12968] Bad value revisit-after for attribute name on element meta: Keyword revisit-after is not registered

[Bug 12968] New: Bad value revisit-after for attribute name on element meta: Keyword revisit-after is not registered

[Bug 12970] <video> Media Events: I think it should be added to the documentation how certain events should be handled main ones being seeked and seeking. Currently some browsers when seeking a media element they fire multiple events (pause, seeking, seeked, play).

[Bug 12970] Media Events: I think it should be added to the documentation how certain events should be handled main ones being seeked and seeking. Currently some browsers when seeking a media element they fire multiple events (pause, seeking, seeked, play). While som

[Bug 12970] New: Media Events: I think it should be added to the documentation how certain events should be handled main ones being seeked and seeking. Currently some browsers when seeking a media element they fire multiple events (pause, seeking, seeked, play). While som

[Bug 12971] A lot of times, perhaps the majority of the time, authors use <em> or <strong> to make text italic or bold, when in fact the intention has nothing to do with emphasizing or strongly emphasizing the text. The result is terrible in aural browsers and extrem

[Bug 12971] New: A lot of times, perhaps the majority of the time, authors use <em> or <strong> to make text italic or bold, when in fact the intention has nothing to do with emphasizing or strongly emphasizing the text. The result is terrible in aural browsers and extrem

[Bug 12972] New: The IDL parts in this section contain what I believe to be non-valid WebIDL, specifically "Element?" and "object?" - both interface types and object are already nullable, so the ? is invalid.

[Bug 12972] The IDL parts in this section contain what I believe to be non-valid WebIDL, specifically "Element?" and "object?" - both interface types and object are already nullable, so the ? is invalid.

[Bug 12973] New: The IDL parts in this section contain what I believe to be non-valid WebIDL, specifically "Element?" and "object?" - both interface types and object are already nullable, so the ? is invalid.

[Bug 12973] The IDL parts in this section contain what I believe to be non-valid WebIDL, specifically "Element?" and "object?" - both interface types and object are already nullable, so the ? is invalid.

[Bug 12974] Allow placeholder="" on <input type=number>

[Bug 12974] New: Allow placeholder="" on <input type=number>



[Bug 12977] New: Step 6 of the legacy color parsing rules is unnecessary, as 3-digit hex colors will be successfully parsed by the general case further down.

[Bug 12977] Step 6 of the legacy color parsing rules is unnecessary, as 3-digit hex colors will be successfully parsed by the general case further down.

[Bug 12982] <video> canplay and canplaythrough should only fire once, when the new readyState is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA and HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA for the first time, respectively.

[Bug 12982] New: <video> canplay and canplaythrough should only fire once, when the new readyState is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA and HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA for the first time, respectively.

[Bug 12983] <video> audioTracks and videoTracks should move to MediaStream, and there should be a way to merge multiple MediaStream objects into one; maybe a constructor that takes an array of them

[Bug 12983] New: audioTracks and videoTracks should move to MediaStream, and there should be a way to merge multiple MediaStream objects into one; maybe a constructor that takes an array of them. See top of

[Bug 12984] Contributions to HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives

[Bug 12984] New: Contributions to HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives

[Bug 12985] HTML 5 and IPA TTS

[Bug 12985] New: HTML 5 and IPA TTS

[Bug 12986] Last Call comments to HTML5

[Bug 12986] New: Last Call comments to HTML5

[Bug 12987] New: u hb h jhu uu.

[Bug 12987] u hb h jhu uu.

[Bug 12988] I'm a bit in trouble on what type to apply for zip- postcodes. I would use type=number, but then I cant use the maxlenght attribute. While using type=text there are no max min attributes. No matter what type I choose, none of them works for zip- postcodes

[Bug 12988] New: I'm a bit in trouble on what type to apply for zip- postcodes. I would use type=number, but then I cant use the maxlenght attribute. While using type=text there are no max min attributes. No matter what type I choose, none of them works for zip- postcodes

[Bug 12989] According to "The dl element": >The order of the list of groups, and of the names and values within each group, may be significant. Why don't you define an attribute on the dl element, for example, "ordered" attribute, which indicates that the list is ord

[Bug 12989] New: According to "The dl element": >The order of the list of groups, and of the names and values within each group, may be significant. Why don't you define an attribute on the dl element, for example, "ordered" attribute, which indicates that the list is ord

[Bug 12990] New: The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 12990] The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 12991] Is Nokia's Symbian S60 5th Edition OS supports html 5 , e.g., Nokia 5230 inbuilt web browser.

[Bug 12991] New: Is Nokia's Symbian S60 5th Edition OS supports html 5 , e.g., Nokia 5230 inbuilt web browser.

[Bug 12992] Editorial comments on Decision Policy, Part 1

[Bug 12992] New: Editorial comments on Decision Policy, Part 1

[Bug 12993] Missing ) after: (If the goal was to mark the element as misspelt...

[Bug 12993] New: Missing ) after: (If the goal was to mark the element as misspelt...

[Bug 12994] New: Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand.

[Bug 12994] Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand.

[Bug 12995] New: EventTarget here would be more useful if linked to than the triply or quadruply indirect link it is now.

[Bug 12995] PUB: Need to enable automatic cross-spec references somehow

[Bug 12996] New: The dropEffect attribute controls the drag-and-drop feedback that the user is given during a drag-and-drop operation. When the DataTransfer object is created, the dropEffect attribute is set to a string value. On getting, it must return its current value.

[Bug 12996] The dropEffect attribute controls the drag-and-drop feedback that the user is given during a drag-and-drop operation. When the DataTransfer object is created, the dropEffect attribute is set to a string value. On getting, it must return its current value.

[Bug 12998] New: Some attributes are not overridable with 'var' in browsers. See

[Bug 12998] Some attributes are not overridable with 'var' in browsers. See

[Bug 12999] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 12999] New: Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 13000] 111111111111111111111111111a pointing device, a drag operation could be the default action of a mousedown event that is followed by a series of mousemove events, and the drop could be triggered by the mouse being released. On media without a pointing dev

[Bug 13000] New: 111111111111111111111111111a pointing device, a drag operation could be the default action of a mousedown event that is followed by a series of mousemove events, and the drop could be triggered by the mouse being released. On media without a pointing dev

[Bug 13002] its a Bible of HTML 5. a great work, but my English is no good. I'm Spanian... this document is translating to other languajes? i can't see links to other languages

[Bug 13002] New: its a Bible of HTML 5. a great work, but my English is no good. I'm Spanian... this document is translating to other languajes? i can't see links to other languages

[Bug 13003] Define role of Editorial Assistants

[Bug 13003] New: Define role of Editorial Assistants

[Bug 13005] New: no itemprop and charset in DOM interface

[Bug 13006] New: Spelling mistake in 4.5.2. The hr element.

[Bug 13006] Spelling mistake in 4.5.2. The hr element.

[Bug 13007] New: should (resolved) itemid be unique within a document?

[Bug 13007] should (resolved) itemid be unique within a document?

[Bug 13008] New: Great feature. I think protocol handler should allow another parameter that is true/false. This would allow a temporary register that would only affect the page it was called from, and only during the lifetime of the page. Also, as a security concern,

[Bug 13011] Encourage authors to use "white-space: pre-wrap" for contenteditable/designMode

[Bug 13011] New: Encourage authors to use "white-space: pre-wrap" for contenteditable/designMode

[Bug 13014] New: In this portion, it says "Each value is either a string or... an item", yet above in 5.1.2 it seemed as though there were 4 possible value types: string, url, datetime, and item

[Bug 13015] forumSingular forum Plural forums

[Bug 13015] New: forumSingular forum Plural forums

[Bug 13017] New: typing erer rerajk jdlsak rjear djasjdsa

[Bug 13017] typing erer rerajk jdlsak rjear djasjdsa

[Bug 13018] New: ola alo helo

[Bug 13018] ola alo helo

[Bug 13019] New: Organization of the user agent style sheet section makes it near-impossible to see whether it's correct

[Bug 13019] Organization of the user agent style sheet section makes it near-impossible to see whether it's correct

[Bug 13020] New: No user agent will implement the storage mutex so this passage does not reflect reality

[Bug 13020] No user agent will implement the storage mutex so this passage does not reflect reality

[Bug 13021] New: This is test

[Bug 13021] This is test

[Bug 13022] New: The whitespace formatting of the interface is really inconsistent (tabs vs spaces?)

[Bug 13022] The whitespace formatting of the interface is really inconsistent (tabs vs spaces?)

[Bug 13023] New: removing CSS outline bad for accessibility

[Bug 13023] removing CSS outline bad for accessibility

[Bug 13024] New: What the hell is an IDL attribute?

[Bug 13024] Spec should xref "IDL attribute" for clarity

[Bug 13024] What the hell is an IDL attribute?

[Bug 13025] New: Which of the accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, dirname, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, src, step, and width content attributes

[Bug 13025] Which of the accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, dirname, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, src, step, and width content attributes

[Bug 13026] New: What prose below defines when an element is a 'button'?

[Bug 13026] What prose below defines when an element is a 'button'?

[Bug 13029] HTML 5 vai me complicar bem a vida agora... + vamos lá neh !

[Bug 13029] New: HTML 5 vai me complicar bem a vida agora... + vamos lá neh !

[Bug 13030] it looks to me boolean is the right type for the 4th parameter 'replace' in the open operation as open in HTMLDocument.

[Bug 13030] New: it looks to me boolean is the right type for the 4th parameter 'replace' in the open operation as open in HTMLDocument.

[Bug 13031] New: remove the pingback link relation

[Bug 13031] remove the pingback link relation

[Bug 13032] "allow-plugins" option for iframe sandbox attribute

[Bug 13032] New: "allow-plugins" option for iframe sandbox attribute

[Bug 13033] New: Remove obsolete references to pre-LC and pre-Last Call

[Bug 13034] Consider [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for some reflected attributes

[Bug 13034] New: Consider [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for some reflected attributes

[Bug 13036] just looking - and so far so good

[Bug 13036] New: just looking - and so far so good

[Bug 13037] "otherwise the sandbox attribute would end prematurely" : shouldn't that read "the srcdoc attribute" (not "sandbox")?

[Bug 13037] New: "otherwise the sandbox attribute would end prematurely" : shouldn't that read "the srcdoc attribute" (not "sandbox")?

[Bug 13038] New: Still a silly lang attribute, and inconsistencies in the HTML5 Edition for Web Authors

[Bug 13038] Still a silly lang attribute, and inconsistencies in the HTML5 Edition for Web Authors

[Bug 13047] I can Find this document is little difficult for the beginners.Can you give some demo's for each element.

[Bug 13047] New: I can Find this document is little difficult for the beginners.Can you give some demo's for each element.

[Bug 13048] Error in MediaController event handler table

[Bug 13048] New: Error in MediaController event handler table

[Bug 13050] New: Typo in decision policy: "descrption"

[Bug 13051] New: Use "oriented" instead of "orientated".

[Bug 13051] Use "oriented" instead of "orientated".

[Bug 13052] "Februray" should be "February".

[Bug 13052] New: "Februray" should be "February".

[Bug 13053] i enjoy to use this software

[Bug 13053] New: i enjoy to use this software

[Bug 13054] I am referring to this section of the HTML5 spec: Decoupling form controls and the form element is a good first step to improving the flexibility of web fo

[Bug 13054] New: I am referring to this section of the HTML5 spec: Decoupling form controls and the form element is a good first step to improving the flexibility of web fo

[Bug 13054] WF3: Allow one input to be part of multiple forms

[Bug 13055] here is good

[Bug 13055] New: here is good

[Bug 13056] HTML5 and RFC 2854

[Bug 13056] New: HTML5 and RFC 2854

[Bug 13057] New: Remove INS and DEL elements in favor of a new set of attributes

[Bug 13057] Remove INS and DEL elements in favor of a new set of attributes

[Bug 13058] <!doctype html><html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <title>GS-Ведомости:Online</title><script type="text/javascript" src="http://online.local/?js=kernel/devel/skin/gs_scripts.js"></script><link r

[Bug 13058] New: <!doctype html><html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <title>GS-Ведомости:Online</title><script type="text/javascript" src="http://online.local/?js=kernel/devel/skin/gs_scripts.js"></script><link r

[Bug 13059] add a disabled attribute to link and style elements

[Bug 13059] New: add a disabled attribute to link and style elements

[Bug 13060] Consider MJPG files like <video> when used as the image argument for drawImage()

[Bug 13060] New: Consider MJPG files like <video> when used as the image argument for drawImage()

[Bug 13062] Allow grouping list items with divs

[Bug 13062] HTML spec should not dictate first/last child nesting level and exact order of child siblings

[Bug 13062] New: HTML spec should not dictate first/last child nesting level and exact order of child siblings

[Bug 13066] New: thank you

[Bug 13066] thank you

[Bug 13067] New: Password hashing

[Bug 13067] Password hashing

[Bug 13068] for consistency with RFC 5988, link/@rel should allow extension relation types

[Bug 13068] New: for consistency with RFC 5988, link/@rel should allow extension relation types

[Bug 13069] [Supplemental] needs to be replaced with partial interface

[Bug 13069] New: [Supplemental] needs to be replaced with partial interface

[Bug 13072] IE8/9 treat different ports as same-origin

[Bug 13072] New: Section 5.3 Origin. "Two origins are said to be the same origin if the following algorithm returns true: [...] If A and B have port components that are not identical, return false." IE8 and IE9 do not conform to this. Per

[Bug 13074] Bad value copyright for attribute name on element meta: Keyword copyright is not registered.

[Bug 13074] New: Bad value copyright for attribute name on element meta: Keyword copyright is not registered.

[Bug 13076] New: options argument for window . navigator . getUserMedia doesn't look very intuitive. Comma separated string with space.Maybe create e.x. array of objects?

[Bug 13076] options argument for window . navigator . getUserMedia doesn't look very intuitive. Comma separated string with space.Maybe create e.x. array of objects?

[Bug 13078] New: why attribute navigator.onLine was named like this and no It's a liitle different naming from other browser's APIs

[Bug 13078] why attribute navigator.onLine was named like this and no It's a liitle different naming from other browser's APIs

[Bug 13079] Having a relatively simple code: <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center" border=0 width=0954> <tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center" width=100% border=0> <tr> <td width=100% colspan="3" height=2 class="MNinner_line"><img src="

[Bug 13079] New: Having a relatively simple code: <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center" border=0 width=0954> <tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center" width=100% border=0> <tr> <td width=100% colspan="3" height=2 class="MNinner_line"><img src="

[Bug 13080] New: It's undefined if the low boundary should belong to the less good or even less good range if the optimum point is less than the low boundary. And the same for the reversed case.

[Bug 13081] New: The given event type should be changed from 'durationchange' to 'timeupdate'

[Bug 13081] The given event type should be changed from 'durationchange' to 'timeupdate'

[Bug 13082] It says "Content inside a blockquote must be quoted from another source," however, has an example which puts a <footer> inside <blockquote> to show the source of a quote. Is that right? If so, I would like this se

[Bug 13082] New: It says "Content inside a blockquote must be quoted from another source," however, has an example which puts a <footer> inside <blockquote> to show the source of a quote. Is that right? If so, I would like this se

[Bug 13084] asdfsdf safd asdfaa

[Bug 13084] New: asdfsdf safd asdfaa

[Bug 13085] Enhancement: Set component for whole image?

[Bug 13085] New: Enhancement: Set component for whole image?

[Bug 13086] New: Should included "accept" on the form element in this list

[Bug 13086] Should list "accept" as an obsolete attribute of form

[Bug 13087] New: pdf print versions are damaged.

[Bug 13087] pdf print versions are damaged.

[Bug 13088] New: chatbook.html

[Bug 13090] New: Turtle markup includes invalid QNames

[Bug 13090] Turtle markup includes invalid QNames

[Bug 13091] New: try another word

[Bug 13091] try another word

[Bug 13092] New: unambiguously determine the encoding

[Bug 13092] unambiguously determine the encoding

[Bug 13093] New: define which of Window's named properties are resolved before prototype properties

[Bug 13094] First there was the <img> tag. Now, with HTML5, <audio> and <video> tags are being introduced (which also have the helpful controls attribute). This covers the 3 most important media types, namely pictures, music, and videos. However, there is a fourth ty

[Bug 13094] New: First there was the <img> tag. Now, with HTML5, <audio> and <video> tags are being introduced (which also have the helpful controls attribute). This covers the 3 most important media types, namely pictures, music, and videos. However, there is a fourth ty

[Bug 13095] New: setTimeout behavior seems to be undefined if ToString throws

[Bug 13095] setTimeout behavior seems to be undefined if ToString throws

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set single component for pixel

[Bug 13096] New: Enhancement: Set single component for pixel

[Bug 13097] <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="in/share"></script>

[Bug 13097] New: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="in/share"></script>

[Bug 13098] Clarify whether <wbr> has the same effect as the zero-width space character

[Bug 13098] New: State that <wbr> represents the SOFT HYPHEN character (U+00AD/&shy;/&#xad;)

[Bug 13098] State that <wbr> represents the SOFT HYPHEN character (U+00AD/&shy;/&#xad;)

[Bug 13099] New: Why doesn't the SELECT element have a placeholder attribute? Often a dropdown box contains an initial text like "Please make a choice".

[Bug 13099] Why doesn't the SELECT element have a placeholder attribute? Often a dropdown box contains an initial text like "Please make a choice".

[Bug 13100] New: TAG issue on HTML+RDFa and Microdata last call drafts

[Bug 13100] TAG issue on HTML+RDFa and Microdata last call drafts

[Bug 13101] New: TAG issue on HTML+RDFa and Microdata last call drafts

[Bug 13101] TAG issue on HTML+RDFa and Microdata last call drafts

[Bug 13102] <style scoped> conflicts with top-placed <figcaption>

[Bug 13102] New: <style scoped> conflicts with top-placed <figcaption>

[Bug 13103] New: Visual formatting of content inside the pre element isn't available to assistive technologies

[Bug 13103] Visual formatting of content inside the pre element isn't available to assistive technologies

[Bug 13105] Named character refences table: Add column with official UNICODE names

[Bug 13105] New: Named character refences table: Add column with official UNICODE names

[Bug 13106] New: When determining order of icons via tree order, tree order at what point? post-load? past onLoad()?

[Bug 13106] When determining order of icons via tree order, tree order at what point? post-load? past onLoad()?

[Bug 13107] New: What is an 'appropriate' size for an icon?

[Bug 13107] What is an 'appropriate' size for an icon?

[Bug 6670] Allow unescaped &s, at least in attributes that accept URLs

[Bug 7798] TextMetrics.height

[Bug 8554] <progress> element should be labelable with a label

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8895] Document policy for First Public Working Drafts

[Bug 8898] please make title element optional if higher-level protocol provides similar information (e.g. as email Subject: header field)

[Bug 9213] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 9452] <video> Handling of additional tracks of a multitrack audio/video resource

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2011 23:53:36 UTC