www-style@w3.org from February 2012 by subject

"display:transparent" or "display:nobox" (RE: thoughts on page templates)

:hover and :active interaction with labels

<di>? Please?

[css-content-state] Loading, Interactive and Error states for downloaded resources -- fallback content

[css-grid] Moving CSS3 Grid from Editor’s Draft to Working Draft

[css-Grid] New Editor's Draft Published

[css-layout] display: proxy (or display: ignore, contents, whatever)

[css-multivalued][proposal] Lists as first-class CSS citizens

[CSS-transforms] rotate(<angle>[, <translation-value>, <translation-value>])

[css-variables] Proposed implementation needlessly complex

[css-variables] the new ED for CSS Variables

[css21] (Section 9.5, Floats) Empty floated element with a set width but height:0

[CSS21] Auto height of block with horizontal scrollbar

[CSS21] BFC may become narrower and collide with a previous float

[CSS21] BOM vs HTTP charset

[CSS21] Disposition of Comments (Issue 225, 229 etc)

[CSS21] Errata - proposals for review - Margin collapsing, I

[CSS21] Floats, overflow: hidden, BFCs and margins

[CSS21] margin-collapse-164 is currently invalid per section 9.5.2

[CSS21] Nested floats and zero-height margin box

[CSS21] section 10.8.1: when line-height is equal to or less than content area (font-size)

[CSS21] WD 4.2: invalid at-keywords

[CSS21][Core grammar] Significant whitespace

[CSS21][Test suite] Bug in margin-collapse-016

[CSS3 Animation and transforms] CSS properties in JavaScript

[css3-*] Review of functional syntax in CSS

[css3-2d-transforms] Implementation report

[css3-2d-transforms] Unit for e and f in matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f)

[css3-2d-transforms][css3-images] <position> grammar is duplicated or points to the wrong spec

[css3-animations] animation-fill-mode:forwards and fractional iteration counts

[css3-animations] disagreement over constants KEYFRAMES_RULE and KEYFRAME_RULE

[css3-animations] Editability of CSS 3 Animations

[css3-animations] Rounding behaviour

[css3-animations] Should a cancel event fire when the animation is canceled during its delay stage?

[css3-animations] What does animation-fill-mode do when animation-iteration-count is zero?


[css3-background] background-position-x background-position-y

[css3-background] color vs image - final layer

[css3-background] computed value of 'background-repeat'

[css3-background] Simulating rounded corners in older browser version [was RE: Vendor Prefix solutions]

[CSS3-color] Errata

[css3-exclusions] Reconciling exclusions and floats

[css3-exclusions][css3-gcpm] Plan B exclusions

[css3-exclusions][css3-gcpm] Reconciling exclusions and floats

[css3-flexbox] "flexbox formatting context"

[css3-flexbox] "inherit" as the preferred size subcomponent of "flex" property

[css3-flexbox] [css3-grid-layout] Too Many Alignment Properties

[css3-flexbox] added algorithms for pagination and flex distribution

[css3-flexbox] containing block for absolutely positioned children of a flexbox

[css3-flexbox] corrections/clarifications on updated flexbox algorithm

[css3-flexbox] default value for flex-line-pack

[css3-flexbox] does flex-order impact stacking order of overlapping content

[css3-flexbox] ED updated: algorithms and 'flex' property

[css3-flexbox] flex distribution

[css3-flexbox] flex-line-pack

[css3-flexbox] flex-order shouldn't be specific to flexbox

[css3-flexbox] in multipage multiline vertical flexbox, what does 1st page 2nd column contain?

[css3-flexbox] main-axis margin:auto (RE: [css3-grid] [css3-flexbox] Stretch alignment in flexbox and grid)

[css3-flexbox] open issues in spec

[css3-flexbox] options for breaks in multiilne flexboxes

[css3-flexbox] possible wording-change in "Positioning Absolutely Positioned Flexbox Items" section

[css3-flexbox] when are margins on flexbox-items computed & subtracted from available space?

[css3-flexbox][css21] "flexbox formatting context"

[css3-fonts] Grammar for font-variant shorthand

[css3-fonts] simplifying font-variant-ligatures

[css3-fonts] simplifying font-variant-ligatures, proposal 2

[css3-gcpm] [css3-values] attr() and target-counter()

[css3-gcpm] Various issues

[css3-grid-layout] 'grid-row' vs 'grid-rows', 'grid-column' vs. 'grid-columns'

[css3-grid-layout] [css3-layout] default layout of children

[css3-grid-layout] [css3-layout] fit-content and auto sizes

[css3-grid-layout] [css3-layout] Grid-Template Declaration Merge

[css3-grid-layout] Cascading Positions is Broken

[css3-grid-layout] Clarify abspos containing blocks, interaction with 'position'

[css3-grid-layout] grid cell stacking (overlap / subrows / subcolumns / flow)

[css3-grid-layout] grid-column-span: auto

[css3-grid-layout] negative spans

[css3-grid-layout] Organization of Grid Layout Spec

[css3-grid-layout] Renaming auto grid properties

[css3-grid-layout] Renaming implicitly named lines, reverse grid indices

[css3-grid-layout] semantic zoom in grid's templates

[css3-grid-layout] templates and writing modes

[css3-grid-layout] use repeat() function instead of ()[]

[css3-grid] [css3-flexbox] Stretch alignment in flexbox and grid

[css3-grid] [css3-layout] Template Slot Names

[css3-images] [css3-gcpm] element() and element()

[css3-images] additional cycles

[css3-images] aliasing of object-fit/object-position

[css3-images] CSS element reference identifier

[css3-images] cycle detection and element()

[css3-images] Disposition of Comments DRAFT

[css3-images] Does image-resolution apply to CSS images?

[css3-images] editorial comments

[css3-images] Editorial: "Bounding box"

[css3-images] Editorial: Concrete object size resolution missing the gradient case

[css3-images] Editorial: Wording of 'object-fit: fill' apparently mandates filling the content box

[css3-images] element() and element()

[css3-images] element() in css3-image

[css3-images] Fwd: CSS Gradient Notation

[css3-images] Generalize the notion of 'invalid images' for image() fallback

[css3-images] How does image-orientation interact with EXIF data?

[css3-images] Image fallback feature's dependency on media fragments

[css3-images] Normative reference to CSSElementMap?

[css3-images] object-fit at risk

[css3-images] paint sources

[CSS3-images] premultiplied alpha (was rotate(<angle>[, <translation-value>, <translation-value>]))

[css3-images] Probably editorial: 'object-fit' values 'cover' and 'contain' contain redundant definition

[css3-images] Probably Editorial: computed value of image()

[css3-images] Probably Editorial: radial-gradient() and concentric ellipses

[css3-images] processing model for transformations (image() vs. image-orientation)

[css3-images] Referencing <svg> element directly with element()

[css3-images] Should element() move to level 4?

[css3-images][css3-transforms] element() and content with 3D Transforms

[css3-mediaqueries] DPI in resolution media queries

[css3-mediaqueries] DPI in resolution media queries (was: Re: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-08 Wed AM I:)

[css3-mediaqueries] Media query "em" example contradicts normative prose

[css3-page] Variable dimension (was: Paged Media Level 3 - how stable is the margin boxes spec?)

[css3-page][css3-mediaqueries] Changing element styles on page breaks

[css3-page][css3-mediaqueries] Changing element styles on page breaks (was: Page size conflicts)

[css3-page][css3-mediaqueries] Page size conflicts

[css3-positioning] why is it called "positioned layout"

[css3-regions] auto widths and heights of regions

[css3-regions] definitions of 'break-*'

[css3-regions] flow-into on inline or table-cell

[css3-regions] Improve the NamedFlow JS interface

[css3-regions] issue: is first region initial containing block

[css3-regions] page view and page layout use cases

[css3-regions] region-overflow:nobreak

[css3-regions] regions forming stacking contexts

[css3-regions] spec notes

[css3-regions] Suggestions for CSS OM Changes

[css3-regions][css3-gcpm] Plan B versus Plan A

[css3-regions][css3-gcpm] Thoughts on Plan A and Plan B

[css3-regions][css3-page] region based page templates

[css3-selectors][selectors4] "Child combinators" in plural?

[css3-syntax] Syntax of 'flex' property

[css3-text] combining transforms

[css3-text] Justification and aligning fullwidth+halfwidth chars

[css3-text] letter-spacing at element boundaries

[css3-text] Proposal RFC: text-remainder

[css3-text] word-break:break-all and line-break

[css3-text] “currentColor”

[css3-transforms] Extending CSSOM interface

[css3-transforms] Making transform-origin a list, converting transform to comma separated

[css3-transforms] Mozilla request: add Aryeh Gregor as a co-editor

[css3-transforms] Pseudo code for matrix decomposing

[css3-transforms] Skew is missing from 2D spec

[css3-transforms] transform-origin syntax: 3D vs. background-position

[css3-transforms] translate() vs. translate3d()

[css3-transforms] What is the use-case for transform-style: flat?

[css3-transforms] Why do we need a 'perspective' property?

[css3-transitions] proposed issues for resolution/discussion

[css3-transitions] Rounding behaviour

[css3-transitions] shorthand/longhand handling in transition property

[css3-transitions][css3-animations] Event handler attributes on Window

[css3-transitions][css3-animations] Given transition-duration:0s and transition-delay:0s, does a transition occur?

[css3-ui] 'icon' feedback (was: [css3-ui] Review comments)

[css3-ui] 'ime-mode' feedback

[css3-ui] 'resize' and 'overflow'

[css3-ui] editorial comments

[css3-ui] nav-* feedback

[css3-ui] Negative values in outline-offset?

[css3-ui] out-of-range <x>,<y> of 'cursor'

[css3-ui] PFWG comments on CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3

[css3-ui] Review comments

[css3-ui] review extension requested

[css3-values] Browsers allow unitless lengths in quirks mode

[css3-values] Physical length units

[css3-values] Physical length units (was: [css3-mediaqueries] DPI in resolution media queries)

[css3-values] RE: CSSStyleDeclaration#length and shorthands.

[css3-values] Reference Pixel (was: DPI in resolution media queries)

[css3-values] Resolution Units

[css3-writing-modes] Intended scenarios of use of text-orientation:upright?

[css3-writing-modes] rename 'text-orientation' initial value to 'mixed-right'

[css4-fonts] font-size: auto

[css4-images] Re: CSS4 cross-fade() and images without intrinsic size

[css4-images] The image-set() function (for responsive images)

[css4-mediaqueries] Device units, viewing distance and occluded magnification

[css4-ui] appearance

[cssom] CSSStyleDeclaration

[cssom] DOMStringList usage

[cssom] s/long/float/ for offsetLeft et al

[cssom] Supporting JS properties whose names are CSS property names on CSSDeclaration objects

[cssom] updated editor(s)

[CSSWG] About replying to minutes

[CSSWG] Agenda conf call 15-feb-2012

[CSSWG] Agenda conf call 29-feb-2012

[CSSWG] Draft Minutes conf call 29-feb-2012

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-02-23

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-06 Monday Afternoon: Functional Notation, Values and Units, Regions Scope

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-07 Tue Afternoon I: Webkit Prefixes Cont., css3-background, css3-images

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-07 Tue Afternoon II: CSS2.1 Errata, Spec Process Proposal

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-07 Tue Morning II: Fullscreen, Snapshot, Media Queries REC

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-08 PM I: Flexbox, Line Layout

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-08 Wed AM I:

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-08 Wed AM II: Exclusions

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-08 Wed PM II: Writing Modes & UTR50, Fragmentation, Transforms

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F Monday Morning 2012-02-06: Administrivia, Vendor Prefixes, Property/Value Alias OM

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Telecon 2012-02-15

[CSSWG] our weekly conference calls

[IMPORTANT] followups to CSS WG minutes (was: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F)

[paginated-masters] Element master templates (was: planA/planB)

[selectors4] Parameters of :local-link()

[selectors4][css3-syntax] should document.querySelector("html /* ") throw? (and some editorial comments)

[vendor-prefixes] Distinction between proprietary and experimental features

[vendor-prefixes] The system needs to be opt-out, not opt-in

[whatwg] <di>? Please?

[whatwg] Quirks Mode Standard

ability to change syntax (was Re: [css3-transforms] Making transform-origin a list, converting transform to comma separated)

About vendor prefixes

Agenda conf call 22-feb-2012

Alignment of paragraphs with unicode-bidi: plaintext

An error pseudoselector for media

Colour tweaking (was: Re: Agenda conf call 25-jan-2012)

Consider adding content(html) to display html source

CSS Animation and Transitions on SVG attributes

CSS Hierarchies + @media queries

CSS4 cross-fade() and images without intrinsic size

Dropping Prefixes Early on Transforms/Transitions/Animations

Features and fixes incompatible with backward compatibility

flexbox and box-sizing

Fwd: Quirks Mode Standard

i18n-ISSUE-140: Multilingual q nesting

i18n-ISSUE-140: Multilingual q nesting [CSS21] [css3-content]

Mailing list traffic

Media queries edits

Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F 2012-02-07 Tue Morning I: Regions Issues, Nested Style Rules

namegetter on prototype? (was Re: [cssom] CSSStyleDeclaration)

non-support of using surrogate pairs in CSS escapes [I18N-ACTION-90] [I18N-ISSUE-147]

OK, sorry

Paged Media Level 3 - how stable is the margin boxes spec?

Percentage not valid for column-gap?

Prefix SVG properties in CSS?

prefixed values(RE: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Paris F2F Monday Morning 2012-02-06: Administrivia, Vendor Prefixes, Property/Value Alias OM)

Processing model for line formation and the CSS Line Modu8le

Processing model for line formation and the CSS Line Module

Property proxies / CSS setters

Proposal to enable -css- prefix on transform and appearance

Proposition. Positioning content with guidelines

public-css-bugzilla (was: transforms, transitions and animations bugs now in Bugzilla)

Re : [css-multivalued][proposal] Lists as first-class CSS citizens

Re : [css-variables] the new ED for CSS Variables

Recording rationale behind CSS design decisions (Was: Re: Features and fixes incompatible with backward compatibility)

Review and discussion request on CSS Transforms parsing issues

slides for CSS Line Module discussion at Paris f2f from Steve Zilles

Slides for discussion of CSS Line Module at F2F

Spec version control (was: Re: [css-layout] display: proxy (or display: ignore, contents, whatever))

thoughts on page templates

Transforms specs

Vendor Prefix solutions

Vendor Prefixes and Generic Prefixes: who shall use which when and why?

wading into the Prefix morass...

Western vertical texts

WG consensus on lobbying WG members that they are taking the wrong way?

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 23:58:00 UTC