RE: [css-variables] the new ED for CSS Variables

[Florian Rivoal:]
> On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 23:35:09 +0100, Chris Eppstein <>
> wrote:
> > What's wrong with using $?
> >
> >  :root { $accentColor: green; }
> >   h1 { color: $accentColor; }
> One obvious conflict many seem to be overlooking is the conflict with the
> use of $ in css preprocessors.
> IMO, the proposal for variables is great, but it is quite different from
> what is currently found in preprocessors like sass. Sass also offers
> mixins.
> In sass, both variables and mixins use $ as part of their syntax. If we
> start allowing $ in css, sass probably needs to be changed to use
> something else, and I don't think this is desirable.
> Compatibility with sass as such isn't an important goal for the CSSWG, but
> it is a good example of why changes to the core grammar are not desirable,
> as they make break unsuspecting tools in the wild that rely (maybe
> unknowingly) on the core grammar staying what it is.
Indeed; asking for this feature to use an already-familiar syntax is a request
that comes often in informal discussions but then server-side code needs to be
able to tell them apart. Most importantly, it should imo be easy for authors to
tell which is the standard client-side CSS one. 

Received on Monday, 20 February 2012 17:25:48 UTC