Re: WG consensus on lobbying WG members that they are taking the wrong way?

Le 09/02/12 10:36, Henri Sivonen a écrit :
> says:
> "The following article is written by Daniel Glazman, co-chairman of
> the CSS Working Group, but also represents an official discussion of
> the CSS Working Group and was decided by consensus in the Group.
> Members of the Group behind that decision include Adobe, Apple,
> Disruptive Innovations, Google, HP, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera and the
> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)."
> and
> "Let Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera know this is the wrong way to go"
>> From the POV of someone outside the meeting, this looks strange. How
> come Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera were part of a consensus to ask
> people to lobby them that they are taking the wrong way?

That's a mistake of mine and I'll updte immediately.


Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 10:22:54 UTC