[css3-ui] nav-* feedback

9.2.1. Sequential navigation order: the ‘nav-index’ property

  # Value: auto | <number> | inherit

Shouldn't this be s/<number>/<integer>/ ?

  # Applies to:    all enabled elements

I think you would need to either explain what "enabled elements" mean
here or simply s/enabled// . These "Applies to:" lines are never too
useful anyway. (If you really want to explain "enabled elements" I think
the right phrase is "all elements except disabled form controls" or "all
elements except those that are explicitly disabled" to be document
language independent.)

9.2.2. Directional focus navigation: the ‘nav-up’, ‘nav-right’,
‘nav-down’, ‘nav-left’ properties

  # The <id> value consists of a ‘#’character followed by an
  # identifier

It's not too obvious what "identifer" means here. Is it equivalent to
<identifier> or just an IDENT token? Namely, are #auto, #current and
#root valid values here or not?


  # The <target-name> parameter indicates the target frame for the
  # focus navigation. It is a string and it cannot start with the
  # underscore "_" character.

I suppose "a string" means a <string>?


Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 01:28:06 UTC