Re: [css3-grid-layout] grid cell stacking (overlap / subrows / subcolumns / flow)

(this mail continues a list of proposals)

Would it be possible/desirable to define a “grid-cell-stacking: overlap | rows | columns | flow” property, whose :

- “overlap” (default) value would stack all the elements in the cell using their z-index (the current behavior)
- “rows” value would create a specific subrow for each element located in the cell (elements spanning accross the cell would span accross all subrows)
- “columns” value would create a specific subcolumns for each element located in the cell (elements spanning accross the cell would span accross all subcolumns)
- “flow” value would create an anonymous block within which all elements located in the column would be added

(see attachement)

Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 17:46:26 UTC