Re: [css3-text] letter-spacing at element boundaries

On Feb 1, 2012, at 7:30 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 2:01 AM, fantasai <> wrote:
>> My thinking was that if I had
>> em<em>phatic</em>ally
>> and I specified some letter-spacing, would I really expect to get
>> em p  h  a  t  i  c ally
>> ? It seemed to me it made more sense for only the characters inside the
>> <em> to be spaced apart from each other, and certainly not to have a
>> half-space between some letter pairs and a full space between others.
> Actually, I think I'd expect that.  I wouldn't expect something like
> emp h a t i cally, because the p and c in that just look normal.
> I've no idea whether I'd prefer a full space or half space on the
> ends, but some sort of additional spacing seems good.

InDesign let's you select some letters in the middle of a word and apply tracking (letter-spacing), and when you do it is only applied between those letters, not at the boundaries. So it is more like what fantasai had specced. Also, if you add tracking to a whole block of text, it does not add space to the very beginning of the first line, nor to the ends of each line. I think that is for the best. One can always add padding or padding to the ends to get the other effect. It would be more annoying to try to remove it via the right amount of negative margin. 

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 23:34:40 UTC