from September 2019 by subject

[dxwg] "QSA alternate keywords" as feature at risk? (#1093)

[dxwg] [I18N] Examples provide no language or direction metadata (#958)

[dxwg] [I18N] References to ISO-639 vs. BCP47 (#959)

[dxwg] [I18N] Various date types could be more specific (#957)

[dxwg] A short token to specify a profile may be used as long as there is a discoverable mapping from it to the profile's identifying URI [ID5] (5.5) (#290)

[dxwg] Add "recommended" (#1092)

[dxwg] Add dct:relation to the properties of dcat:Dataset (#774)

[dxwg] Add mapping schemas to the set of roles (#847)

[dxwg] Added order of precedence text (#1083)

[dxwg] addressing issues found in Issue 492 (#1047)

[dxwg] Align Alternative Representations Model and PROF (#1041)

[dxwg] Alignment / differentiation with OWL (#696)

[dxwg] Ambiguity in Abstract and Introduction (#686)

[dxwg] Ambiguous relationship in Figure 1 (#687)

[dxwg] Antoine's conneg doc edits (#575)

[dxwg] Are PROF roles misplaced in resourceDescription? (#769)

[dxwg] Axiomitise transitivity of dct:conformsTo through isProfileOf relationships (#844)

[dxwg] Better description of application profiles, profiles in general and how they may be used (#659)

[dxwg] better link for ISO19115-1 codelist, section 13 (#975)

[dxwg] Change domain or create superclass of dcat:Distribution (#317)

[dxwg] changes as per Issue 544 (#1103)

[dxwg] Chapter on DCAT profiles for DCAT document (#148)

[dxwg] Clarification on foaf:homepage / dcat:landingPage for dcat:Catalog (#763)

[dxwg] Clarify abstract list operations can be realized in a single API (#548)

[dxwg] Clarify how to refer to alternates view methodology for profile neg (#392)

[dxwg] Clarify if DCAT's use of ProfileDesc (#393)

[dxwg] Clarify need for unambiguous profile URIs when compound specifications referenced. (#1017)

[dxwg] Clarify PROF's relation to constraint languages (#721)

[dxwg] Clarify the scope of `dct:identifier` (#771)

[dxwg] Clarify use of dct:conformsTo perhaps with additional properties (#660)

[dxwg] Complete Deutsche Nationalbibliothek implementation description (#387)

[dxwg] Complete Links to Test Suites (#385)

[dxwg] Complete OGC implementation description (#389)

[dxwg] Complete pyLDAPI implementation description (#386)

[dxwg] Complete implementation description (#388)

[dxwg] Completing dcat.ttl translation in italian (#985)

[dxwg] Confused by the eg-ga example (#199)

[dxwg] Conneg 3 pwd candidate (#1050)

[dxwg] Conneg altprofiles model (#1038)

[dxwg] Conneg Editorial Nits (#1088)

[dxwg] Conneg qsa delimeter (#1099)

[dxwg] Consider HTTP 300 as realization for list profiles / list tokens (#549)

[dxwg] Consider the addition of a conformanceTarget property (#521)

[dxwg] Consider use of adms:identifier instead of prof:token (#453)

[dxwg] Correct title for link (#1059)

[dxwg] Create a data model for representing alternate profiles (#1031)

[dxwg] Create a use case and requirement for "central" authoritative validation rules (#597)

[dxwg] Create regular text to refer to other Profile docs (#693)

[dxwg] Criteria for listing properties for each class (#766)

[dxwg] Dataset series (#868)

[dxwg] Dataset size characteristics (#161)

[dxwg] DCAT - Move DCAT and imported elements into separate RDF files (#1057)

[dxwg] Dcat - RDF examples in TTL and JSON-LD (#1062)

[dxwg] DCAT - alignment (profile) (#251)

[dxwg] DCAT 2014 profile of DCAT (#144)

[dxwg] DCAT broken links (#1029)

[dxwg] DCAT dependencies (#111)

[dxwg] DCAT sotd needs updating for CR (#1084)

[dxwg] DCAT-Rev profile to simulate 2014/DCAT-AP (#499)

[dxwg] DCAT: Further updates to ack section (#1051)

[dxwg] DCAT: Further updates to ack section (#1052)

[dxwg] DCAT: Implementation of DCAT-AP in GeoNetwork (#1054)

[dxwg] DCAT: Including links to Requirements in UCR document (#744)

[dxwg] DCAT: Request for clarification on dcat:endpointDescription (#960)

[dxwg] DCAT: Updates to ack section (#1069)

[dxwg] DCAT: Updates to ack section (#945)

[dxwg] dcat:themeTaxonomy - check constraints (#119)

[dxwg] Dedicated support for HTTP compliant datasets (#1086)

[dxwg] Definition of prof:isProfileOf (#1068)

[dxwg] Demonstrate a client getting a resource by profile characteristic (#753)

[dxwg] Determine how to reference ResourceRole vocab (#452)

[dxwg] Determine which examples of use are to be published in the Profiles Ont doc (#492)

[dxwg] Differentiating Functional & Data Profiling in Conneg (#1022)

[dxwg] do we want to use skos:definition or rdfs:comment in the dcat.ttl? (#983)

[dxwg] Documenting changes to DCAT classes / properties (#176)

[dxwg] Does "profile of" require all or some elements? (#802)

[dxwg] Drop "family of documents" section from conneg (#1105)

[dxwg] editorial change: referring to dcat vocabulary specification (#1094)

[dxwg] Editorial changes from Antoine and Riccardo (#1101)

[dxwg] Editorial comments on DCAT ED (#922)

[dxwg] Editorial fixes for Prof 3 pwd candidate prior to introducing final substantive change proposals. (#1074)

[dxwg] Editorial nits (#1013)

[dxwg] Enable the ability to negotiate the data profile via http, similar to the negotiation of data formats today. [ID30] (5.30) (#265)

[dxwg] Examine JSON-LD Framing specification for relation to Profiles abstract model (#524)

[dxwg] Express dct:contributor explicitly or via qualifiedAttribution (#1065)

[dxwg] Find from a profile description, uris of online resources available to convert it to another profile (#754)

[dxwg] Fix Protege load errors (#1104)

[dxwg] Formally align PROF to DCAT (#808)

[dxwg] formally define competency questions for PROF ontology (#732)

[dxwg] FPWD comment: use dcat:Distribution for Resource (#529)

[dxwg] From SHACL: profile and "base ontology" (#799)

[dxwg] From SHACL: profiles based on same ontology (#800)

[dxwg] Generalise diagrams (#826)

[dxwg] Generalize dcat:byteSize to dcat:size (#313)

[dxwg] Harmonise Ont/Conneg references and content (#551)

[dxwg] Harmonise use of "constraints" wording with IETF RFC 2119 (#1070)

[dxwg] How to express available formats for a dcat:Dataservice (#1055)

[dxwg] Improve defintion of prof:isTransitiveProfileOf (#1071)

[dxwg] Including adms:identifier in class descriptions (#761)

[dxwg] Inclusion of POST and PUT methods in content negotiation (#678)

[dxwg] Indicate / explain dagram formalisms (#697)

[dxwg] Indicate a conventional way to automatically validate data instances of application profiles (#698)

[dxwg] Indicate tokens through separate Link header (#1063)

[dxwg] Introduce mappingFrom and mappingTo properties (#810)

[dxwg] Issue 1088 - PROF ref to B2 & 6 x typo errors fixed (#1090)

[dxwg] JSON examples (#971)

[dxwg] Linking a metadata record to the relevant catalogue(s) (#132)

[dxwg] Links across DCAT rec, rdf files and namespace pages (#377)

[dxwg] Links in 'Participate' header not working (#714)

[dxwg] Machine understanding of "profile" (#796)

[dxwg] Makx's profiles ont doc concerns (#572)

[dxwg] Minor editorial comments on DCAT CR candidate (#1020)

[dxwg] Model implementation reporting as done in SHACL (#467)

[dxwg] Monthly DBpedia releases (#1085)

[dxwg] Must a DCAT profile validate against all of DCAT? (#430)

[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by larsgsvensson

[dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by riccardoAlbertoni

[dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage

[dxwg] Non-English labels and comments (#174)

[dxwg] Normative requirement for list profile tokens operation (#546)

[dxwg] Polish translation (#705)

[dxwg] PROF - ADMS alignment (#240)

[dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment (#235)

[dxwg] Prof 3 pwd candidate (#1074)

[dxwg] Prof conformsTo axiom at risk (#1078)

[dxwg] PROF roles and their definitions (#1049)

[dxwg] PROF: Ack section (#887)

[dxwg] profile ontology: rdfs:Class vs owl:Class inconsistency between turtle and document (#483)

[dxwg] Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema). [ID41] (5.41) (#279)

[dxwg] Profiles Ontology Figure 3 (#731)

[dxwg] Provide a safe home for definition of "data profile" (#1072)

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add "recommended"

[dxwg] Pull Request: Added back specification of attribute "token"

[dxwg] Pull Request: Added definition for functional specification

[dxwg] Pull Request: Added order of precedence text

[dxwg] Pull Request: Added specification of Link attribute token

[dxwg] Pull Request: Addressing issue #1057 - move external terms into separate RDF graph

[dxwg] Pull Request: Addressing issue #725 - context for scope notes

[dxwg] Pull Request: Assesment of token positions

[dxwg] Pull Request: changes as per Issue 544

[dxwg] Pull Request: changes section tidy

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg 3 pwd candidate

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg data profile

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg editorial

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg link sec fix

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg qsa delimeter

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg urn delimiters

[dxwg] Pull Request: Correct title for link

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat - RDF examples in TTL and JSON-LD

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT: Further updates to ack section

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT: Updates to ack section

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCATstranded comments

[dxwg] Pull Request: editorial change: referring to dcat vocabulary specification

[dxwg] Pull Request: Editorial changes from Antoine and Riccardo

[dxwg] Pull Request: example as per Issue 287

[dxwg] Pull Request: Fix Protege load errors

[dxwg] Pull Request: Fixes for the issues in #1066

[dxwg] Pull Request: Indicate tokens through separate Link header

[dxwg] Pull Request: Issue 1088 - PROF ref to B2 & 6 x typo errors fixed

[dxwg] Pull Request: Marked http implementation as at-risk

[dxwg] Pull Request: Prof 3 pwd candidate

[dxwg] Pull Request: Prof issue 687

[dxwg] Pull Request: removing closed issues

[dxwg] Pull Request: revising point 3 of section rdf representation

[dxwg] Pull Request: Romanian translation of DCAT

[dxwg] Pull Request: Status of doc updated

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update config.js

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update index.html

[dxwg] Pull Request: Updated Changes section

[dxwg] Pull Request: Updated OAI-PMH section mentioning metadataPrefix

[dxwg] Pull Request: Updated section "Token mappings"

[dxwg] Pwin edit dcat 20190425 (#913)

[dxwg] Query string implementation of profile selection (#544)

[dxwg] Question on IETF definition of Profile (#1002)

[dxwg] rdf:property and owl:datatypeProperty, problem with poolParty import (#496)

[dxwg] Reference ADMS (#401)

[dxwg] Reference DC Singapore Framework (#400)

[dxwg] Reference previous HTTP Accept work (esp JSON-LD) (#382)

[dxwg] Reference PROV (#402)

[dxwg] refining the definition of profile in response to the poll (#989)

[dxwg] Reflect all 'Usage notes' into DCAT RDF representation (#725)

[dxwg] Registration of target attribute "profile" for the Link-Header (#501)

[dxwg] Relation to real world entities (#168)

[dxwg] Remove "Alternate ways of conveying URI / token mappings" (#1064)

[dxwg] Remove prof:BaseSpecification (#641)

[dxwg] Remove redundant super property for dct:conformsTo (#943)

[dxwg] Remove text in favour of full reference to final IETF doc (#380)

[dxwg] Rename Resource Descriptor class (#573)

[dxwg] Replace "functional profiles" with "methods" or "implementations" (#1106)

[dxwg] Review global domain axioms on dcat properties (#110)

[dxwg] Review prof:isProfileOf & its relation to dc:conformsTo (#1043)

[dxwg] Review transitivity intentions & descriptions (#1043)

[dxwg] Reviewing DCAT issues (#1089)

[dxwg] Revisiting the definition of "profile" (#963)

[dxwg] Roles inclusion in PROF is at risk (#1073)

[dxwg] Scope notes for URL properties (#972)

[dxwg] Seek a second profiles implementation (#409)

[dxwg] SheX feedback on example ResourceDescriptor (#1053)

[dxwg] Should PROF roles be in a their own namespace? (#1048)

[dxwg] Simplify ontology by remove inverse and transitive properties (#661)

[dxwg] Specify the realisation order of precedence for conflicting profile negotiation situations (#505)

[dxwg] Specify the semantics of prof:isTransitiveProfileOf wrt prof:isProfileOf (#644)

[dxwg] Status of doc updated (#1087)

[dxwg] Suggested updates to definition of PROF constructs (#1061)

[dxwg] Support for HTTP compliant datasets (#1086)

[dxwg] Test datasets for revised DCAT vocabulary (#137)

[dxwg] Two things that our "profiles" are not (#976)

[dxwg] Unfishined renaming of properties in profiles ontology causing loading error (#555)

[dxwg] Unused namspaces in profilescont.ttl (#688)

[dxwg] Update all example RDF and image files (#658)

[dxwg] Update config.js (#1045)

[dxwg] Update Roles vocab and publish W3C styling (#535)

[dxwg] Updated namespace file (#881)

[dxwg] Use of "standard" (#792)

[dxwg] Use sdo:rangeIncludes to guide expectations on properties (#912)

[dxwg] Visual clues in Figures 3 and 4 (#689)

[dxwg] Web browser navigation of profile information (#239)

[dxwg] What does prof:profileOf entail? (#507)

[dxwg] Wierd Protege 5.0 load issue with lastest versions of dcat.rdf and dcat.ttl - opens as inconsistent (#1100)

[w3c/dxwg] Visual clues in Figures 3 and 4 (#689)

Agenda for CNEG meeting 2019-09-12T12:00:00Z

Agenda for PROF meeting 2019-09-04 - note < 24hrs

ALERT! Time for final DCAT review

Aw: Comments on CONNEG

Aw: Conneg steps to CR

Aw: DXWG Plenary 2019-10-01T20:00:00

Aw: Re: Conneg poll

Aw: Re: Conneg steps to CR

Aw: Re: Moving conneg-by-ap to CR -- addressing concerns about the use of tokens

Aw: Re: Re: Conneg poll

CKAN DCAT plugin - Conneg by P

Closed: [dxwg] Add dct:relation to the properties of dcat:Dataset (#774)

Closed: [dxwg] Add mapping schemas to the set of roles (#847)

Closed: [dxwg] Align Alternative Representations Model and PROF (#1041)

Closed: [dxwg] Better description of application profiles, profiles in general and how they may be used (#659)

Closed: [dxwg] Change domain or create superclass of dcat:Distribution (#317)

Closed: [dxwg] Chapter on DCAT profiles for DCAT document (#148)

Closed: [dxwg] Clarify abstract list operations can be realized in a single API (#548)

Closed: [dxwg] Clarify how to refer to alternates view methodology for profile neg (#392)

Closed: [dxwg] Complete Deutsche Nationalbibliothek implementation description (#387)

Closed: [dxwg] Complete Links to Test Suites (#385)

Closed: [dxwg] Complete pyLDAPI implementation description (#386)

Closed: [dxwg] Complete implementation description (#388)

Closed: [dxwg] Confused by the eg-ga example (#199)

Closed: [dxwg] Consider the addition of a conformanceTarget property (#521)

Closed: [dxwg] Create a data model for representing alternate profiles (#1031)

Closed: [dxwg] Create regular text to refer to other Profile docs (#693)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - Move DCAT and imported elements into separate RDF files (#1057)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - alignment (profile) (#251)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT 2014 profile of DCAT (#144)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT broken links (#1029)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT dependencies (#111)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT sotd needs updating for CR (#1084)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: Further updates to ack section (#1051)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: Updates to ack section (#1069)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: Updates to ack section (#945)

Closed: [dxwg] dcat:themeTaxonomy - check constraints (#119)

Closed: [dxwg] Demonstrate a client getting a resource by profile characteristic (#753)

Closed: [dxwg] Determine how to reference ResourceRole vocab (#452)

Closed: [dxwg] Determine which examples of use are to be published in the Profiles Ont doc (#492)

Closed: [dxwg] do we want to use skos:definition or rdfs:comment in the dcat.ttl? (#983)

Closed: [dxwg] Editorial comments on DCAT ED (#922)

Closed: [dxwg] Editorial nits (#1013)

Closed: [dxwg] Enable the ability to negotiate the data profile via http, similar to the negotiation of data formats today. [ID30] (5.30) (#265)

Closed: [dxwg] Formally align PROF to DCAT (#808)

Closed: [dxwg] FPWD comment: use dcat:Distribution for Resource (#529)

Closed: [dxwg] From SHACL: profiles based on same ontology (#800)

Closed: [dxwg] Harmonise Ont/Conneg references and content (#551)

Closed: [dxwg] Indicate / explain dagram formalisms (#697)

Closed: [dxwg] Indicate a conventional way to automatically validate data instances of application profiles (#698)

Closed: [dxwg] JSON examples (#971)

Closed: [dxwg] Links across DCAT rec, rdf files and namespace pages (#377)

Closed: [dxwg] Model implementation reporting as done in SHACL (#467)

Closed: [dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment (#235)

Closed: [dxwg] PROF: Ack section (#887)

Closed: [dxwg] profile ontology: rdfs:Class vs owl:Class inconsistency between turtle and document (#483)

Closed: [dxwg] Profiles and distributions (#531)

Closed: [dxwg] Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema). [ID41] (5.41) (#279)

Closed: [dxwg] Reference previous HTTP Accept work (esp JSON-LD) (#382)

Closed: [dxwg] Reference PROV (#402)

Closed: [dxwg] Reflect all 'Usage notes' into DCAT RDF representation (#725)

Closed: [dxwg] Remove prof:BaseSpecification (#641)

Closed: [dxwg] Remove redundant super property for dct:conformsTo (#943)

Closed: [dxwg] Remove text in favour of full reference to final IETF doc (#380)

Closed: [dxwg] Review global domain axioms on dcat properties (#110)

Closed: [dxwg] Reviewing DCAT issues (#1089)

Closed: [dxwg] Revisiting the definition of "profile" (#963)

Closed: [dxwg] Seek a second profiles implementation (#409)

Closed: [dxwg] Simplify ontology by remove inverse and transitive properties (#661)

Closed: [dxwg] Specify the semantics of prof:isTransitiveProfileOf wrt prof:isProfileOf (#644)

Closed: [dxwg] Unfishined renaming of properties in profiles ontology causing loading error (#555)

Closed: [dxwg] Update all example RDF and image files (#658)

Closed: [dxwg] Update Roles vocab and publish W3C styling (#535)

Closed: [dxwg] Visual clues in Figures 3 and 4 (#689)

Closed: [dxwg] Web browser navigation of profile information (#239)

Comments on CONNEG

Conneg poll

Conneg steps to CR

Copy editing of Conneg

Dates for deliverables going to CR

DCAT and CONNEG work - recent events and future prospects

DCAT sub-group meeting 2019-09-25T20:00:00

DXWG Plenary - 2019-09-17T20:00:00

DXWG Plenary 2019-09-10T20:00:00

DXWG Plenary 2019-10-01T20:00:00

DXWG plenary meeting at 2019-09-03T20:00:00

DXWG Plenary: 2019-09-24T20:00:00

dxwg-ACTION-363: Put a table of deadlines on wiki

dxwg-ACTION-364: Contact simoncox about the proposal of splitting the dcat ttl file

dxwg-ACTION-365: Prepare a draft of the transition request and associated document, pointing to evidence that all the comments have been addressed

dxwg-ACTION-366: Seek a second profiles implementation

dxwg-ACTION-367: Send email to public list with link

dxwg-ACTION-368: Send email to public list with any additional instruction or helpful information

dxwg-ACTION-369: Ask everyone to review dcat

dxwg-ACTION-370: Ask philippe what proof is needed for wide review

dxwg-ACTION-371: Mark http implementation as "feature-at-risk" since we don't know what ietf will say about it

dxwg-ACTION-372: Ping karen and tomb regarding the answer listed in

dxwg-ACTION-373: Provide text for order of precedence (#505)

dxwg-ACTION-374: Perform final editorial changes from #575 (

dxwg-ACTION-375: Update changelog in ed

dxwg-ACTION-376: Create pr to resolve #1042 by showing how data and functional profiles work together

dxwg-ACTION-377: Extend poll 24 hours

dxwg-ACTION-378: Revise point 3 of section rdf representation, and add the dcat 2014 ttl file

Explanation of DCAT changes since July

Extension of CONNEG poll to midnight EST 25 Sept

Extra PROF meeting - 11:00 UTC, 13.5hrs from now

Fwd: Reminder: TPAC 2019 Publication moratorium 16-20 September

Important reminder for Conneg and PROF

IMPORTANT: Poll Conneg to CR

Moving conneg-by-ap to CR

Moving conneg-by-ap to CR -- addressing concerns about the use of tokens

Next PROF meeting - 23 hours

No CNEG meeting this week

Poll : DCAT to CR : Results

Poll: Can DCAT go to CR? ACTION NEEDED!!

PROF meeting tomorrow - agenda

PROF meetings - new poll for times



State of ";q=" in URIs

State of ";q=" in URIs (was: Fw: Aw: Re: Conneg poll)

Last message date: Monday, 30 September 2019 23:27:04 UTC