Explanation of DCAT changes since July


As provided by David Browning, this explains the changes you will
encounter as you do your final review of DCAT.


The document that we are asking approval for is the current editors
draft at https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/dcat/.  During the period of the
review, we'll ensure this does not change, though we may choose to
incorporate minor or editorial changes as per
https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/Steps-to-Recommendation-2019 after the

As a reminder, the background to this is that at the end of July, the WG
voted that it was still happy to proceed to CR and delegated the
detailed timing to the sub-group/editors
(https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99375/dcat2cr/results) This reinforced
the original plenary vote back on 21st May that we could proceed to
further feedback and wider review.

To summarise the changes since then:

    There have only been two material changes to normative text since
end May - both based on wider feedback - one on ODRL, and the other on
geospatial concerns.
    The one significant positioning change has been the marking fo
certain features as ’at risk’ since we are unsure that we will have
adequate implementation evidence by the end of the Candidate
Recommendation phase (latest 31st October).   Procedurally, marking
these as ‘at risk’ has little cost and would allow us to remove them if
we can’t show evidence rather than having to repeat the whole of the CR
phase - see https://www.w3.org/2019/Process-20190301/#candidate-rec

Since end July, there has been much editing work but most of this has
been classified as editorial.

It may be helpful to explain the github issue/pull request status.
Potential features for this revision work were allocated the the DCAT CR
milestone.  Particular issues where there was consensus that the issues
MUST be addressed are tagged as critical.  The current critical DCAT CR
issues can be seen at


At the time of posting, all these issue related to other resources that
need to be provided (turtle files, namespace file) to support the
normative candidate recommendation (or are marked due for closing).
These need to be addressed before raising the transition request, so we
will aim to do these during the review period.

There are (currently) 5 other issues allocated to the DCAT CR milestone
(here) that need some processing - generally they don't impact the
recommendation or will be marked for future attention since they may be
best addressed in a primer or other supporting notes.

(signed: David Browning)
Karen Coyle
kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 09:10:26 UTC