On that note, as mentioned in last weeks plenary, there is a draft copy of the transition request up for review in our wiki at https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/DCAT:-Draft-Transition-Request-to-CR - please if people could find the time to review for accuracy and raise any changes needed. [If the changes are straightforward improvements then I'd suggest you just make them.....otherwise it might be best to discuss or send them to me or one of the other DCAT co-editors]
David Browning
From: pedro winstley <pedro.win.stan@googlemail.com>
Sent: 21 September 2019 00:43
To: Dataset Exchange Working Group <public-dxwg-wg@w3.org>; team-dxwg-chairs <team-dxwg-chairs@w3.org>; Philippe Le Hégaret <plh@w3.org>; Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
Subject: Poll : DCAT to CR : Results
Dear Team
Thanks very much for completing the poll to vote on DCAT going forward to CR. The poll is pretty-much closed now and the results ( https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99375/DCAT_to_CR/results ) show that 18 votes were cast and they were unanimously in favour. This was a great turnout for the poll. Thanks to all for making the effort. It is also a warm testament to all who were involved in contributing to the DCAT work.
There were a couple of comments - issue 1055, which it is noted in the Github that this will be a priority item for the next version but will not be dealt with at this time; and some editorial issues that have been spotted on a final read-through. Neither of these is an impediment to moving forward..
At the next plenary meeting we will ratify the results of this poll and minute it appropriately. In the meantime, please can Philippe and Dave note the result and (TPAC travel etc permitting) please help us move on to the next steps.
Best wishes
Peter & Karen