www-style@w3.org from May 2014 by subject

"Check if three code points would start an identifier" is incomplete


[css-animations] Animations that start and end in the past

[css-animations] More ambiguity questions with the animation shorthand

[css-counter-styles] About space between bullet and content

[css-counter-styles] allow use of CSS4 "alt" property with @counter-style/symbols

[css-counter-styles] case sensitivity of counter-style-name

[css-counter-styles] position keywords in list-style

[css-counter-styles] speak-as: auto and the override system

[css-counter-styles] the term "negative-capable" is confusing

[css-experimental] catch-all place for new spec ideas

[css-flexbox] "special case for handling stretched flex items" text needs "cross-size:auto" qualifier

[css-flexbox] Algorithm Update

[css-flexbox] alignment of abs-pos flex descendants

[css-flexbox] Better define the computed value of 'flex-basis'

[css-flexbox] Correction to flex-item auto in spec

[css-flexbox] Edits to testsuite have broken some submitted tests

[css-flexbox] min-height on flex items that have an intrinsic aspect ratio

[css-flexbox] minor editorial nits

[css-flexbox] percentage paddings, again

[css-flexbox] PF comment on Flexbox: Advise authors about reordering

[css-flexbox] Policy for reftests that require features from other specs?

[css-flexbox] Simplification to "Distribute free space proportional to the flex factors" step

[css-flexbox] Tweaking the old "resolving flexible lengths" algorithm to produce same behavior as new algorithm

[css-flexbox] What to do with an item's height when max-height is applied to the flex container

[css-font-loading] feedback

[css-font-loading] Suggestions for new features

[css-gcpm] Updated WD of CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module

[css-grid] 'grid-auto-flow: stack' and items with span > 1

[css-grid] Editorial: rename and move the placement algorithm

[css-grid] Wrong align-self values used in some examples

[css-inline] Alignment of Drop Caps

[css-inline] Initial Letter Handling

[css-inline] Over-constrained alignment of initial caps in figure

[css-inline] Summary of drop-caps/initial-letters discussion

[css-line-grid] Reduced editor's draft

[css-line-grid] What does "using the first available font" mean for line-grid: create

[css-masking] Reverse naming change for 'mask-type' and 'mask-source-type'

[css-position] Vertical writing mode should be taken into account for over-constrained position relative and sticky elements.

[css-regions] broken TR link

[css-ruby] About Ruby anonymous box creation.

[css-ruby] jukugo ruby and interleaved bases

[css-ruby] Typos and an error?

[css-shapes] neologisms

[css-syntax] "5.1 Parser Railroad Diagrams"

[css-syntax] feedback

[css-text-4] feedback on hyphenation

[css-text-decor-3] 'text-decoration-color' and SVG

[css-text] Arabic letters connecting between elements with display: inline

[css-text] Confused about the White Space Processing Details in CSS Text Module Level 3

[css-text] Control characters

[css-text] feedback on hyphenation

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-308: Definition of 'grapheme cluster'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-310: (editorial) consistency in refering to Unicode web site

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-311: Clarity of Arabic hyphenation example

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-312: (editorial) distribute keyword description

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-313: Definition of grapheme clusters

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-314: Line breaking and ruby

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-315: Reference to line breaking in KLREQ

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-316: Line breaking defaults

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-317: Line breaking property and value names

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-318: Tibetan line breaking & justification background info

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-319: word-break 'according to usual rules'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-320: Example 6

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-321: Naming of "start end"

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-322: text-justify: auto should recommend international typographic accuracy

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-323: Figures 3 to 5

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-324: distribute -> inter-character

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-325: expansion opportunity -> justification opportunity

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-330: Tasmeem example not clear

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-331: No kashida style or relationship to styles 'distribute' and 'inter-word'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-332: Lack of complete kashida description

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-333: 'letter-spacing' and Arabic

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-334: 'letter-spacing' and Indic

[css-text] i18n-ISSUE-345: Arabic Hyphenation

[css-text] Replaced elements as U+FFFC for line breaking doesn't seem Web compatible

[css-text] Typos

[css-text] What line-break loose allow (but otherwise forbid) means when the base rules forbid?

[css-transforms] computed style of 'transform' property

[css-transforms] translation values without units

[css-values] Comments on section 5.2 and 9

[css-values] Revisiting calc() and whitespace

[css-values] Summary of calc() options regarding whitespace

[css-variables] Author comments reported by Daniel (was: Agenda conf call 07-may-2014)

[css-variables][I18N-ISSUE-352] normalization and matching of custom property names

[css-variables][I18N-ISSUE-353] Section 2.1 case sensitivity and normalization/matching

[css-writing-modes] 'direction' vs. vertical text

[css-writing-modes] Atomic inline "capable" of providing its own baseline

[css-writing-modes] RTL scripts in vertical text

[css-writing-modes] sideways-left with other text-orientation descendant

[css3-background] Background positioning area of root element when background-attachment is fixed

[css3-box] Float start/end issue

[css3-conditional] invalid spec examples

[css3-flexbox] Bad result in flex algorithm when combining stretch, and elements with an aspect ratio

[css3-multicol] §8.1 Overflow inside multicol element and example 32

[css3-regions][css3-pagination] use <TEMPLATES> for overflow generation

[css3-ruby] Small inconsistencies between the CSS document and the ruby HTML draft...

[css3-text] anonymous inline of collapsible white space are *not* always removed

[css3-transitions] 'transitionstart' and 'transitioncancel' events

[cssom-view] scope of the 'scroll-behavior' property

[cssom-view] value of scrollLeft in RTL situations is completely busted across browsers

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-04-30

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-05-07

[CSSWG] Selectors groups (with commas) are too limited and unecessarily long to write non-combinatorially

[CSSWG][css-masking] Updated LCWD of CSS Masking 1

[CSSWG][css-text-3] CSS3 Text Last Call Working Draft

[CSSWG][css-variables] Updated LCWD of CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Level 1 Module

[CSSWG][geometry] First Public Working Draft Geometry Interfaces

[geometry] Add matrixTransform to DOMPoint

[geometry] DOMMatrix constructor with CSS transform list string

[geometry] DOMMatrix with DOMString argument

[geometry] Review request

[geometry][css-transforms] DOMMatrix constructor with CSS transform list string

[mediaqueries] "discrete" MQs that are still ordered; allow < and other ops?

[mediaqueries][css-values] Use cases for calc() in MQ?

[selectors] Anonymous Attribute Selector

[selectors] Selectors for writing scripts

[selectors] Self-referential link pseudo-class

[selectors] what is the combinator '/' IDENT '/'

[shapes] new shape-outside keyword for image data

[SVG2][css-inline] vertical-align, baseline-shift, alignment-baseline, dominant-baseline

[web-animations] Request to publish next WD of Web Animations

Agenda conf call 07-may-2014

CSS Outline behaviour when border radius is set

For printing: Select the element preceded immediately by a page-break?

Fwd: Nearest Relative requesting R.C. to lift Section 3.

handling click events on :before/:after pseudo-elements

Has this bug been forgotten?

I18N-ISSUE-344: Wording of section 7.4.4 Cursive Scripts [CSS3-text]

It's time for contextual positioning

Nearest Relative requesting R.C. to lift Section 3.

Provide a standardized way to hide scrollbars

Recall: [css-regions] broken TR link

Self-referential link pseudo-class

Styling of search/find-in-page results

SV: [css-text] feedback on hyphenation

Whitespace in calc() and <An+B> (was: Re: Agenda conf call 07-may-2014)

why not MediaQueryList.onchange

Would be useful to have a pseudo-class to select modal dialogs

Last message date: Saturday, 31 May 2014 18:09:33 UTC