Re: [css-text] I18N-ISSUE-308: Definition of 'grapheme cluster'

On 04/20/2014 10:55 PM, James Clark wrote:
> I believe this wording came about because of an issue I raised for Thai.  See
> Fundamentally, the issue is that for Thai (and almost certainly Lao)
> there are two distinct concepts which do not always coincide (though
> they often do):
> a) positions between *characters* that are possible caret positions
> b) positions between *glyphs* where it is typographically conventional
>   to insert letter-spacing
> The Unicode grapheme cluster concept is closest to (a).
> (a) is a good starting point for (b), but in my view it is rather
> confusing to treat (b) as a 'tailoring' of (a): they are different
> concepts operating in different realms (characters vs glyphs).

Yes, I think we probably need to introduce two different terms here.
Both would be tailorings of UAX29's grapheme clusters, though, because
that's what we have to work with...


Received on Saturday, 10 May 2014 18:21:55 UTC