Re: [css-counter-styles] case sensitivity of counter-style-name

On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 07:38:32PM +1000, I wrote:

> Most normalization problems I've heard of come from compatibility
> equivalence (the one where Kelvin sign matches K).

Sorry for the misinformation: Kelvin matching K occurs even with NFC/NFD.

I should also clarify that when I wrote "Most normalization problems I've
heard of ... so wouldn't be surprised if ...", I was trying to say that I
could understand Tab being wary of these issues, I didn't intend to confirm
that there are problems, and the comment was based purely on a cursory
perception of other www-style discussions.

The Unicode sentence I quoted was from UAX#15, but a better reference would
be the Conformance chapter of Unicode, specifically conformance clause C6 of
section 3.2: "A process shall not assume that the interpretations of two
canonical-equivalent character sequences are distinct."  I'm not saying that
we have to honour that, but I do think it a relevant factor in the decision.


Received on Sunday, 4 May 2014 00:39:14 UTC