[css-font-loading] feedback

Context: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-font-loading/

ready() doesn't seem different from .loaded in how it's used. So we
should make it a property with a getter.

Should FontFaceSource be on the CSS global instead? CSS.fonts rather
than document.fonts in a document environment and self.fonts in a
worker environment.

In the FontFace constructor you set status to "loading" at some point,
but it's not clear from which task or microtask this is done. How can
this be observed?

You say "reject with a NetworkError" but you don't define
NetworkError. Maybe you mean a DOMException whose name is
"NetworkError"? Same for exception/error names mentioned elsewhere.

You need to use the [Exposed] attribute to make sure your interfaces
are actually available in workers. See e.g. URL or Encoding for


Received on Monday, 26 May 2014 13:52:02 UTC