Re: [css-counter-styles] position keywords in list-style

On 30/04/2014 00:43, Xidorn Quan wrote:
> There is another potential problem I am aware of is that, what should
> happen if one day we may support more than one type of custom-ident in
> one property? For example, if one day we decide to make
> timing-function a custom-ident as well so that author could use
> at-rules to define more complex ones, how can we distinguish
> custom-ident for different purpose? Whatever, that is problem in the
> future, so we may not need to worry a lot about it now. Same with this
> problem.

Ambiguous syntax is a problem that exists with every value type, not 
just <custom-ident>. We have to use tricks such as adding a delimiter or 
making the order significant to disambiguate.

For example, each box-shadow uses commas to separate each <shadow> 
value, which can be made of two to four <length>s. If each <shadow> was 
just a single <length>, we wouldn’t need any comma.

Simon Sapin

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 13:16:29 UTC