w3c-wai-ig@w3.org from October to December 1999 by subject

"Exploit Interactive" issue 3 features articles on Bobby, WAI, etc.

"Universal Workstations"

# of disabled Web users

<OBJECT> element

[AcWeb] eEurope - proposal of online International Petition for the Accessibility on the Internet in European Union

[Fwd: [jobline] Need Web Consultant oxnard Ca.]

[Fwd: [webwatch] Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 beta (fwd)]

[Fwd: ACB Radio press release (fwd)]

[Fwd: Fwd: NFB and AOL]

[Fwd: Fwd: The eRocket at Download.com. Check it out!]

[Fwd: Graph Reader for the blind (fwd)]

[Fwd: Internet sonification browser makes web graphics more accessible]

[Fwd: Job opportunities at RNIB]

[Fwd: Microsoft Antitrust: Judgement Day: Part 1]

[Fwd: NEW: 1001 Top Free Webmaster Resources]

[Fwd: NEW: Disability Accessible Web Design]

[Fwd: NEW: Human Factor: Web/software user interface design column]

[Fwd: NEW: Java Tips Newsletter]

[Fwd: NEW: The Web Design Times]

[Fwd: NEW: The Webworksite Informer]

[Fwd: NYT: Barriers Online for Those With Disabilities]

[Fwd: pervasive Computing 2000]

[Fwd: Product Evaluations: HPR and PWWebspeak]

[Fwd: Re: P.C. & MACS]

[Fwd: tech: Access through voice]

[FWD] HWG AWARE Center Director on Webcast, Thursday 15:30 Z

[htmldesigners] a couple of interesting places to go

[w3c-wai-ig] <none>

A comment on evaluating web page accessibility by Jakob Nielsen.

a couple of interesting places to go

A few thoughts on using dynamic web pages to improve

A few thoughts on using dynamic web pages to improve accessibility

a more secure net?

a pop up

A reminder about use of the WAI Interest Group mailing list

a site to see

A small demonstration comparing web pages generated dynamically

About accesskey

Accessibility - Government Controll?

Accessibility of Amaya browser/editor

Accessibility of PDF documents


accessible authoring tools

Accessible Store Front Builders

accessible WAP Browser

ADA FTA Complaint re Inaccessible Web Site

ada or not?[Fwd: National Law Journal: Net Rights for the Disabled?]

agenda for tomorrow (including links to draft charter, timeline, and end of charter report)

Al Gore Impressed by Assistive Technology

Amendments to Section 508. Was: Where to go now?

an interesting paper on the sinister side

Announcing Emacspeak-11.0 (Aster).

Another Mainstream Article on Accessibility

AOL Accessible Web Complaint

AOL sued over accessibility

AP: New Disabled Web Site Unveiled

Are we reaching our target audience?

are we reaching our target audience? (was: Curtis Chung Interviewed on slashdot)

Are you ready to busy trade?

At Sun, disabled make Java accessible

authering tools, shared borders

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Released as Proposed Recommendation


barriers to accessibility

Beginner course including accessibility

Best browser for keyboard-only surfing?

Best Feds on the Web '99

Broken Javascript Prevents Access to Information on Net Access for the Blind

Browser Question

Business Week AT Column

Captions for audio clips (was RE: SMIL Validation)

CC/PP And You: What It's All About


China's Idea of "Miss Internet"

Citibank installs talking ATMs

ColdFusion Studio vs. HoTMetaL

ColdFusion Studio vs. HoTMetaL (Was What generates a .cfm page?)

College Policies on Accessible Web Page Design

Conference on Universal Usability CfP

Copyright and accessible-media transcriptions

copyright rumors debunked - again

correction aolnfb


Curtis Chong's responses on Slashdot

Customizing dynamically generated web pages for blind users

DDA and Web Access

design resource

Disability Statistics

eEurope - proposal of online International Petition for the Accessibility on the Internet in European Union

Electronic Canes

Electronic Canes (was RE: Practice ...)

European Ministerial Conference for the Information Society - Web accessibility milestone in Europe - April 2000

EVENT: Accessibility Panel Webcast, Friday 5 November

EVENT: Accessibility Panel Webcast, Friday 5 November 9:00 a.m. PST

EVENT: Web Accessibility Session at SHARE (Mar 2000)

Example of MS FrontPage shared borders

feel it mouse?

for its possible inpact on webs.[Fwd: Curtis Chong interview at slashdot]

Foul message from MS media player

free expertise neded?[Fwd: Website Design]

Further Comment on ISOC / Web site - accessibility

Fwd: [Web405] Testers Needed

Fwd: AOL sued over accessibility

Fwd: Web Help Needed

going the distance?

Government Accessibility Deadlines

Guideline consultants?

here is scratch and win

here's the boston globe article

here's the boston globe article[Fwd: tech: even more on aol lawsuit]

how copy-writable is code?

How Much Of A Problem Are Tables Used for Design?

How to make XML proprietary

How to track State Regulations and University Policies?

HTML Writers Guild sets accessibility requirements for Guild pages, co-branding partners

human factors accessibility employment listing:

I want your two bits...

Ideas for accessible maps?

Idyll Mountain pseudonym? (was SFSU Lawsuit in the Media)

IFRAME example in HTML 4.01/4.0 spec

IID: RI2000 en Brasil - Ultima Llamada para Presentación de Trabajos!

Illustrations on web sites (was RE: Self-voicing browsers)


Interesting new information tool

interesting trainings perhaps?

internet law library and court decisions can be found here

Interoperability, universally designed web pages and ADA/504

is accessibility "difficult"?

Is there a universal solution to access?

Is there pi?

ISO character entitties (was Re: Web Magazine featuring Accessibility issues)

Keyboard navigation in a web page

Kynn's Definition of Accessibility, and Uncaptioned Webcas ts

Kynn's Definition of Accessibility, and Uncaptioned Webcast s

Kynn's Definition of Accessibility, and Uncaptioned Webcasts

LA Times web site

laser printer toner advertisement

Last Call review of User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

learning braille online

LINK in Lynx


live demo broadcast[Fwd: Henter-Joyce on CNN Financial Network Tuesday, December 21]

Looking for examples of web sites following guidelines

Making web pages.

Monitor Size

more on captions for multimedia

National Law Journal: Net Rights for the Disabled?

NBA Tape Recording Manual (was RE: Practice ...)

Need alternate input devise info

New book by Jakob Nielsen (CITA Bookshelf)

New Disabled Web Site Unveiled

New mailing list

New Position with California Community Colleges

nfb and aol

Nice use of style sheets.

NYT: Is Cyberspace a 'Public Accommodation?'

NYT: U.S. Law Aims at Helping Disabled

object tag

Off Topic -- Hard hyphen?

On Topic [was: Re: How Much Of A Problem Are Tables Used for Design?]


Partially sighted Web user

PDF documents in eEurope

PDF documents in eEurope + eEurope proposal of online International Petition

PDF in EU web

People supporting Web accessibility milestone in Europe - April 2000

Picture Describing Update

please help correct a problem?

Practice Describing Pictures, anyone game?

Problem with ACRONYM and ABBR

proposal for "null" alt-text (was "Re: A few thoughts...")

PW Webspeak & Java(script); was: RE: please help correct a problem?

Quoin frame & chase was Re:tables


reasonable accommodation?

reasonable accomodation? (was Re: single browser intranets)

Recent web accessibility survey?

Reminder, Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines are Proposed Recommendation

Reminder, User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Last Call

Reply Histories [was: Stylesheet columnisation

Request for Updates: http://aware.hwg.org/

San Fran State University

San Francisco State University and the ADA

Scott's Chemistry Application

Scott's Hypothetical Intranet

scratch off and win?

Seeking Experienced Screen Reader User In The Seattle Area for Possible Demonstration

Self-voicing browsers


SFSU and the ADA

SFSU Lawsuit in the Media

SFSU Settlement

Shopping Cart Button

single browser intranets

Single Browser Intranets (was: Web Accessibility Myths)

smart shopping?

SMIL Validation

SMIL Validation (was RE: Captions for audio clips)

software guidelines?

Some comments on the user agent guidelines

Some questions about data tables

some words for the wise[Fwd: Y2K Results in DOS 6.22]

standard anywhere for displaying flashing or blinking text

Streaming Video of InterLab Panel with K.Bartlett, K.Stephens, C.Waddell

Stylesheet columnisation

tables & html

Tables and the meaning of "equivalent", an overdue reply

Taking the Kynn Challenge!

tech: nasa web browser

text to speech software

the day the browser died

Undue Burden and AOL

Use of ALT texts in IMGs

Using meta tags to improve access for cognitive disabilities

Utah State Univ. guidelines draft

Vote for On Line

Vote For On Line Correction

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Welcomes Wendy Chisholm

WAI IG Netiquette

WAI IG Netiquette (Was: Citibank installs talking ATMs )

WAP browser here...

Web accessibility milestone in Europe - April 2000

Web accessibility milestone in Europe - April 2000 (second call)

Web accessibility milestone in Europe - April 2000 (third call)

Web Accessibility Myths and The Kynn Challenge (was:

Web Accessibility Myths and The Kynn Challenge (was: Looking

Web Accessibility Myths and The Kynn Challenge (was: Looking for examples of web sites following guidelines)

Web Magazine featuring Accessibility issues

WebCT Version 2

What generates a .cfm page?

What's Happenin

Where to go now?

World Economic Development Congress

xml?[Fwd: News or idle rumor?]

Yes, I prefer that web page which is harder to use

Last message date: Thursday, 30 December 1999 09:57:33 UTC