EVENT: Web Accessibility Session at SHARE (Mar 2000)

I'll be presenting at the SHARE conference in Anaheim next March;
the description of my talk is below.  The date is March 6, 2000
and the website with more info is http://www.share.org/ -- or you
can also get to my session description via http://www.kynn.com/+share

"Meeting the Accessibility Challenge: Can Everyone Use Your Web Site?"

The users of the 21st century Internet come in all shapes and sizes -- 
older hardware and software, new handheld and set-top devices, people 
with various disabilities. Designing for just one or two desktop
browsers doesn't cut it anymore -- the challenge for today's World 
Wide Web is universal accessibility.

How can you meet this challenge and produce web applications that 
can be used by anyone, regardless of platform or disability? Kynn 
Bartlett, director of the HTML Writers Guild's AWARE Center, walks 
you through the specific accessibility hurdles facing today's web 
sites and provides concrete steps to increase your universal 

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn@idyllmtn.com>                   http://www.kynn.com/
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet      http://www.idyllmtn.com/
Boycott eToys.com!  Here's why:                 http://www.kynn.com/+etoy
Web Authors Helping Web Authors: HTML Writers Guild   http://www.hwg.org/
Next Speaking Engagement -- SHARE at Anaheim   http://www.kynn.com/+share

Received on Friday, 17 December 1999 00:07:32 UTC