Re: A few thoughts on using dynamic web pages to improve

At 10:22 AM 11/17/1999 , GARETH P PARKINSON wrote:
>I was wondering what effect placing a null value in the alt tag. Doesn't
>this result in the same problem as having no alt tags at all, in that the
>user will be prevented from finding out the reason for the image? I would
>assume that in most cases the image has some meaning, and therefore would
>benefit the user if they could have a description of it.

Not all pictures -do- have inline meanings.  Some really are just fillers
and/or redundant with other information.

Someone (Gregory?) once recommended null ALT, valid LONGDESC for purely
decorative pictures.  That seems sensible to me, although it begs the
question of how to know there's an image there in the first place.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Wednesday, 17 November 1999 13:28:59 UTC