Re: How Much Of A Problem Are Tables Used for Design?

At 05:12 AM 11/18/1999 , Kelly Ford wrote:
>But I do believe it is unrealistic to go around asking web sites not to
>use tables for layout. 

You are correct, it -is- unrealistic to ask for this.

Demanding "no tables for layout!" from web designers is asking to
be ignored, because we are not going to get that from anyone (myself
included), it's not necessary, and it hurts the accessibility cause.

More people will be turned off by "you can't have an attractive layout!"
than will be turned on by "you can make your page accessible!"  Therefore,
when someone learns that removing their layout tables is necessary [sic]
for accessibility, they will shrug and say, "Well, I guess I won't
make my page accessible."  They -won't- remove the tables.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Thursday, 18 November 1999 15:02:24 UTC