Re: Web Accessibility Myths and The Kynn Challenge (was:


my personal approach to the mater is to require accessibility in a contract,
in the same way that if I was commissioning a building I would require
accessibility. In both cases being a leader in this means that you will have
to do some work to ensure that you are getting good advice, and that might
mean a fairly open process, or getting advice on the advice you are
given. But the reason for hiring a Web designer is that they understand the
design better than you. Otherwise you could get a typist, or a graphic
artist, or a photographer.

Charles McCN

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Scott Luebking wrote:

  Hi, Kynn
  I'm more in the position of giving some advice on what issues should be
  in an agreement between the professor and the web designer.  The
  professor is unaware of web page accessibility and may be having a gut
  reaction that that the cost of accessibility might move the web site out
  of the range of his budget.  The concern that the appearance or
  functionality may be diminished in an accessible web site only heights
  the worrying.  For many people at this point, web accessibility is
  fairly theoretical with little in real life to point to.

Received on Saturday, 23 October 1999 16:06:30 UTC