RE: Undue Burden and AOL

At 12:34 PM 11/19/1999 , Waddell, Cynthia wrote:
>Undue burden is not something that is "not reasonable given the cost" and is
>not affected by the size of the population that would benefit from the
>accommodation.  Civil rights laws seek to ensure equal access for all- even
>if the individual is in a minority.

I'm not a lawyer, so I don't give legal opinions.  However, I would
oppose any laws that require me to do something if it will hurt my
company substantially, and I stand by that opinion while still fully
supporting the idea of universal accessibility.

In the same way, many Christians feel that acceptance of Jesus as a
personal savior is right for everyone, but would be against the laws
of this country being changed to require adoption of Christianity as
a state religion.

I believe accessibility is right, but I don't believe that you have the
right to drive me out of business despite my good faith efforts to do
as much as I can to make my site (or building) accessible.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Friday, 19 November 1999 17:00:40 UTC