www-style@w3.org from September 2013 by subject

:stuck psuedo class WAS: specifying position:sticky

[[css-shapes]] feedback

[compositing] Please review the editor's draft today

[css-box] Re: [cssom-view] Missing definition of 'scrolling box'

[css-cascade] Moving Writing Modes from a normative to informative ref

[css-color] Editorial: have an exhaustive definition of the <color> type

[css-colors] Specify the System Colors colors

[css-compositing] should background-blend-mode be reset by the background shorthand?

[css-compositing] should background-blend-mode have different list repetition rules?

[css-conditional] @supports at risk?

[css-display] Next steps

[css-flexbox] static position of absolutely-positioned flex items still "at-risk"?

[css-font-load-events] Completed first draft of redesign, feedback requested

[css-fonts-3] i18n comments

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-287: Figure 4 - combining diacritics

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-288: Letterform differences

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-289: Blank in figure 7

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-290: Case and normalization heads up

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-291: Fantasy and playful

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-292: Synthesised cyrillic italics

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-293: Aspect value vs aspect ratio

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-294: Fonts available on platforms

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-295: U+ in unicode-range descriptor

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-296: Usable characters in unicode-range

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-297: Double slash before URI

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-298: To ensure or to insure, that is the question

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-300: ja-jp too verbose

[css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-301: Unicode reference

[css-fonts-4] Author-friendly unicode-range values?

[css-fonts] comments from SVG WG on 11 July 2013 css-fonts-3 LCWD

[css-gcpm][css-color] device-cmyk() interaction with RGB-space colors.

[css-grid] Bug in Example 24, line-based placement

[css-grid] Updated WD of CSS Grid Layout Level 1

[css-hierarchies] Why require the & character?

[css-images] color stops transition

[css-images] image() function with conditions

[css-images] order of color-stops

[css-images][css-compositing] Blurring an element’s backdrop

[css-images][filter-effects] interpolation of filter() to url()/image()

[css-mediaqueries] whitespace handling

[css-multicol] remaining issues

[css-om][css-variables] exposing variables through CSSStyleDeclaration

[css-overflow][css-regions] Styles from fragment containers

[css-page-floats] comments on Page Floats

[css-page-floats] ED 20130912

[css-page-floats] Non-page-floats sections

[css-page] Meaning of :first page selector (was: [css3-gcpm] Page groups, named pages, and :first)

[css-regions] Editorial note: flow-from: inherit

[css-regions] Possible change to the Region interface

[css-regions][css3-break] Handling content overflow out of its region range

[css-ruby] Annotation pairing and annotation levels

[css-ruby] Anonymous Ruby Box Generation

[css-ruby] Forcing Breaking "very long ruby" line?

[css-shapes-2] Auto-height and shapes sizing constraints

[css-shapes] <image> intrinsic dimensions

[css-shapes] basic shape syntax in prose

[css-shapes] circle radius as a percentage

[css-shapes] Comments on CSS Shapes Module Level 1, 10 Sept Editors Draft

[css-shapes] future use of shape-image-threshold for luminance

[css-shapes] Missing sections "Values" and "Module interactions"

[css-shapes] Please review editor's draft before Sept. 25th

[css-shapes] polygon with one or two coordinate pairs

[css-shapes] shape-image-threshold should be clearer about >= vs >

[css-shapes] shape-outside and floats interaction

[css-shapes][css-values] getComputedStyle for Percentages used as length

[css-shapes][css2.1] <basic-shape> vs. <shape>

[css-shapes][cssom] Serializing Shape Values

[css-syntax] Reverting <unicode-range> changes from CSS 2.1

[css-syntax] when to insert "/**/"

[css-text] Clusters for letter spacing in Thai and other complex scripts

[css-text] Implementing text-align-last unprefixed?

[css-transitions] Interpolation length, percentage, or calc

[css-ui][css-flexbox] Should 'text-overflow' work on flexboxes?

[css-variables] comments from SVG WG on 20 June 2013 css-variables-1 LCWD

[css-variables] RE: CSS Variables in Last Call

[css-writing-modes] text-combine-horizontal combining sequences

[css21] Proposed regex for unicode-range token

[css3-break] ED 20130211 - minor editorial comments

[css3-exclusions] issue 15183

[css3-flexbox] Should "align-self:stretch" have any effect on main-size? (i.e. should stretched cross-size be used for establishing main size?)

[css3-fonts] ordinals vs. superiors

[css3-gcpm] Cross-references error cases

[css3-gcpm] Does string-set work on elements or on boxes?

[css3-gcpm] Leaders layout corner cases

[css3-gcpm] Page groups, named pages, and :first

[css3-gcpm] Running elements

[css3-multicol] margin collapsing between column-spanning element and blocks in column boxes: if, when?

[css3-multicol] Nested multicolumn elements rendering

[css3-multicol] z-order of column-rule: below or above border?

[css3-multicol]Inconsistency in the multicolumn draft spec

[css3-page] Styling elements differently based on whether they appear on a left or right page

[css3-page][css-gcpm] Styling elements differently based on whether they appear on a left or right page

[css3-page][css3-gcpm] implementation coverage

[css3-regions][css3-breaks] Forced region breaks inside a container with break-inside: avoid

[css3-regions][css3-transforms] Fixed positioned element with transformed parent flowed in regions

[css3-ruby] Small inconsistencies between the CSS document and the ruby HTML draft...

[css3-text] dropping min/opt/max values for word-spacing

[css3-text] publishing LC

[css3-values] using toggle() in shorthands

[css3-writing-modes] Examples of normal, unscaled glyphs work better than width-variant glyphs for text-combine-horizontal

[css3-writing-modes] inconsistent handling of 'Tr' codepoints in 'text-orientation'

[css3-writing-modes] issues and editorial comments

[css3-writing-modes] note about disabling font-variant

[css3-writing-modes] Summary of Tr in UTR#50 and 'text-orientation' discussions

[css3-writing-modes] text-combine-horizontal: digits 1

[CSSOM View] Units for window.screen

[cssom-view] Ability to replace points of a DOMQuad

[cssom-view] Correction and clarification for the coordinate systems of getClientRect/getBoundingClientRect

[cssom-view] Definition of svg layout box

[cssom-view] DOMRect with aliases x, y to left, top?

[cssom-view] Drop "DOM" prefix from DOMRect et al?

[cssom-view] getBoxQuads results for overflow:scroll/auto elements

[cssom-view] More getBoxQuads/convert*FromNode issues

[cssom-view][matrix] Introduce DOMRectLiteral dictionary for DOMRect?

[cssom-view][matrix] Unrestricted doubles for DOMMatrix, DOMPoint, DOMQuad (was Re: [cssom-view] More getBoxQuads/convert*FromNode issues)

[cssom-views] getBoxQuads and SVG text

[cssom] Computing & Serializing functional notation values with optional parameters

[CSSOM] Revisiting transforms and getBoundingClientRect()

[cssom][css-display][css-cascade] revisiting "default display"

[cssom][css-grid] maintaining "resolved value"

[cssom][css-variables] value on CSSStyleDeclaration of longhand properties set by a shorthand with variable references

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-11 Wed I: Grid Layout

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-11 Wed II: Style Attrs, Spec Tools, CSSOM

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-11 Wed III: Transitioning Image Values

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-11 Wed IV: Multicol

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-11 Wed V: Shapes, Regions, Transforms

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-12 II: Masking, Naming of DOMPoint, Quad, and Matrix, Sticky Position, Text-Combine Naming

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-12 III: GCPM

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-12 IV: Writing Modes, Issue 2 in Compositing Spec

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-12 Thurs I: Font Load Events, TPAC & F2F Schedule

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-13 Fri I: CSS Masking, Display Tree or DOM, Flexbox

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-13 Fri II: Color Module

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-13 Fri III: Charter

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2013-09-04

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2013-09-25

[CSSWG][css-ruby] New Working Draft of CSS Ruby Level 1

[CSSWG][css-syntax] Updated WD of CSS Syntax Module Level 3

[filter-effects] filter different components of an element

[font-load-events] 'match' method of FontFace

[font-load-events] comments on new promises-based draft

[geometry][cssom-view][matrix] Combining geometry interfaces in one spec

[matrix][cssom-view] DOMMatrix operating on single or double precision floating point numbers

[matrix][cssom-view] DOMPoint, DOMPointLiteral definitions

[matrix][cssom-view] DOMRect vs mutability and more

[selectors4] List [xml:lang] and [xmlns] as selectors that do not work in XML

[selectors4] Use pesudo-class instead for selecting parent elems

[spec tools] spec tools should be checked into the csswg repo

]css-writing-modes] An approach to implementing arbitrary markup in text-combine-horizontal

Agenda conf call 04-sep-2013

Agenda conf call 25-sep-2013

Anonymous Ruby Box Generation

css-shapes] Comments on CSS Shapes ED

CSS3 calc(): ability to calculate on 'current' value

DOMPoint dictionary problem

F2F agenda topic: Fonts Task Force

Fwd: Proposal for "overflow:clip" for stronger painting isolation

ISSUE-299: Cluster matching 1b

Making selectors first-class citizens

Media Query Variables

note about disabling font-variant

objection re: RESOLVED: setProperty's handling of importance logically behaves same as appending a declaraiton (like IE/WebKit)

ordinals vs. superiors

Proposal for "overflow:clip" for stronger painting isolation

proposal: css compression via aliasing specification

Request for Comments: Proposal for Touch-Based Animation Scrubbing

Ruby pseudo-elements (was: Anonymous Ruby Box Generation)

Selectors: hooks needed by DOM

Vertical text layout (was: F2F agenda topic: Fonts Task Force)

WebIDL question (was: DOMPoint dictionary problem)

What Media should [css-transitions] and [css-animations] properties apply to?

Last message date: Monday, 30 September 2013 23:59:01 UTC