Re: [spec tools] spec tools should be checked into the csswg repo

Dirk Schulze wrote:

> Does the CSS WG have an GitHub account? Would it be ok if this
> account would fork bikeshed from Tab and it gets merged once in a
> while? Would that be sufficient enough? Maybe the concern is just
> that Tab could (theoretically) restrict access to the repo, or the
> account is lost/not available anymore for what ever reason.

I think this hits both of my concerns.  For ease of use, it's a pain
to have the spec data and tools spread across two different version
control systems. And I don't like the idea that any one member of the
WG has effective dictate power over the tools used to construct specs,
however benevolent. I think it would be much better to have Tab
continue to use his github repo for active development and push
changes to the csswg repo whenever necessary.  That makes it simpler
for new spec writers and hopefully avoids hiccups introduced by
in-progress dev changes.


John Daggett

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2013 01:09:50 UTC