Re: [css-page-floats] comments on Page Floats

Also sprach MURAKAMI Shinyu:

 > >  > <div style="margin-left: 3cm; margin-right: 3cm">
 > >  >   ...
 > >  >   <figure style="float: snap(0); width: 100%;">
 > >  >     ...
 > >  >   </figure>
 > >  > </div>
 > >  > 
 > >  > If snap(0) makes itself a page float conditionally,
 > >  > the width of the figure also will be changed?
 > >  > (When this figure is a page float, the 100% width is
 > >  > the column/page width and the margin-left/right
 > >  > of the div does not affect the width of the page float.)
 > > 
 > > Let's see. If the figure is in a multicol element, 100% refers to the
 > > column width -- this is the case both for page floats and other
 > > elements, so there should be no change.
 > When the figure is not a page float, the parent div is the 
 > containing block and the 100% refers to its width, i.e,
 > smaller than the colum width by div's margin-left/right.

Inside the multicol, the column is the containing block:

  Column boxes act as the containing block for their content.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 09:28:34 UTC