Re: [cssom][css-grid] maintaining "resolved value"

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Mike Sherov <> wrote:
> As per , it
> was decided that "gCS returns used values for grid-template-rows/columns".
> While I respect this decision for reasons of practicality, it creates
> another special snowflake case for the definition of "resolved value", and
> is in danger of setting a precedent for how window.getComputedStyle() should
> work.

This was a problem due to the special case that Grid occupies in
Windows 8, where it was used for Windows apps long before it was
stable for web apps.  We definitely didn't *like* doing this, but it's
not very important to us, so it was decided that it was better to have
this oddity than trying to force IE to swallow a big compat burden.

> Some more clarity from Rossen around how having a used value helped with
> tooling would perhaps help me understand the decision better.

Oh, that's pretty easy to explain.  If you have some design tools that
use Grid to help you design the page, getting px values out is *way*
more useful than getting a mix of random CSS units.  It loses some
information, yeah, but it makes a lot of things way easier.

> I'm not asking for any action, per se, but I'm just raising a general
> concern for the size of the already long caveat list for "resolved value":

It's a crappy legacy function, don't shed too many tears for it.  ^_^
We have better APIs specced for this stuff now.


Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 18:28:36 UTC