Re: [css3-page] Styling elements differently based on whether they appear on a left or right page

Also sprach Brad Kemper:

 > > I understand your wish for the future, though: to style a element
 > > based on which page it ends up on. What would your ideal syntax look
 > > like?
 > Too late for my ideal, which was putting selectors directly within
 > @page, and using an inner @rule or something like body to style the
 > box itself. At this point, @content would be OK, but bare curly
 > braces would be better. Like this:
 > @page :right {
 >    background-color: black;
 >    margin-right:2in;
 >    {
 >        * { color: white; }       
 >        .next-page { background-color: red; float:right-top}
 >        img { float: right-middle; }
 >    }

That could work. Let's see. Hmm. Or, another option may be to base it on:

So, you could say

  body::page(left) img { float right-middle }


  div.chapter::page(2n+1) { background: red }    

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 9 September 2013 16:08:14 UTC