Re: [css3-page][css-gcpm] Styling elements differently based on whether they appear on a left or right page

On Sep 11, 2013, at 10:34, Håkon Wium Lie <> wrote:
> Two possible solutions are sketched here:
> #1, building on pseudo-element:
> [snip]
> #2, Brad's curly brackets solution
> [snip]
> I like both syntaxes. Would they fulfill your requirements? Any other proposals?

I like both syntaxes too, though I think the latter is a bit more natural. I’m not sure about curly braces with nothing preceding them (e.g. @contents), it’s very unlike anything else in CSS (though doing the same in Hierarchies is being discussed in another thread). But nesting stuff in @page seems like the way to go, as it solves even more use cases, not just left and right but also :first, named pages etc.


Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 09:57:19 UTC