[css3-regions][css3-transforms] Fixed positioned element with transformed parent flowed in regions


The "CSS Transforms" spec ([1]) states that the transformed elements are
acting as containing blocks for their fixed positioned descendants.
The "CSS Regions" spec ([2]) states that a fixed positioned element
collected in a named flow is positioned/sized relative to the viewport.

Let's assume that I want to flow into a region a fixed positioned element
that has a transformed ancestor, like in the following case:

<div id="transformed" style="transform: translate(80px, 80px);">
    <div id="fixed" style="position: fixed; flow-into: article;"></div>

Note that I am only flowing the #fixed element without its parent.

Is the #fixed element positioned/sized relative to the viewport instead of
its transformed ancestor? I would say so, but I would like to hear more
opinions on this.


[1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-transforms/
[2] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-regions/

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2013 09:26:47 UTC