www-style@w3.org from October 2012 by thread

[CSSOM View] "Document content width / height" doesn't have normative definition Justice (Wednesday, 31 October)

[css3-background][css3-compositing] box-shadow blending Rik Cabanier (Wednesday, 31 October)

[css3-fonts] Question on CSSFontFaceLoadEvent Kenichi Ishibashi (Wednesday, 31 October)

<select> elements are the last of the system widgets to require hacky styling Aaron Hamilton (Monday, 29 October)

[css-device-adapt] Decoupling zoom and width/height Rune Lillesveen (Wednesday, 31 October)

[CSS-Variables] Suggestion of change to time of substitution Tom Potts (Wednesday, 31 October)

[mediaqueries] Doesn't the spec contains an inexistent token in syntax definition? François REMY (Tuesday, 30 October)

[css21][css3-syntax] encoding determination Simon Pieters (Tuesday, 30 October)

Selector Parsing for Selectors API Lachlan Hunt (Tuesday, 30 October)

Re: [css3-grid-layout] Alternative Grid Layout proposal fantasai (Monday, 29 October)

Replace document.elementFromPoint() and document.caretPositionFromPoint() by functions named like similar functions returning all elements under the given point Sebastian Zartner (Monday, 29 October)

Evolution of CSS Layout: History & Design Principles fantasai (Sunday, 28 October)

[CSS3 Color] Proposed erratum on currentColor Chris Lilley (Sunday, 28 October)

[css3-flexbox] Bad result in flex algorithm when combining stretch, and elements with an aspect ratio Tab Atkins Jr. (Sunday, 28 October)

Browser zooms and testsuites François REMY (Sunday, 28 October)

[css3-page] Initial containing block and varying page size. Simon Sapin (Saturday, 27 October)

Re: Ambiguities in fill:url() / stroke:url() syntax Robert O'Callahan (Saturday, 27 October)

[css3-exclusions] shape-inside and writing-mode: vertical-rl Bear Travis (Friday, 26 October)

[css3-exclusions] Shape-outside on floats Bear Travis (Friday, 26 October)

Re: Print, monochrome, and high-contrast François REMY (Thursday, 25 October)

Variables and casing, again Boris Zbarsky (Thursday, 25 October)

Re: [css3-exclusions] Issue 15183 Florian Rivoal (Thursday, 25 October)

[css3-conditional] Normativity of media queries Florian Rivoal (Thursday, 25 October)

[css4-images] @pattern rule (was: [css4-background][css4-text] @pattern rule) Sebastian Zartner (Thursday, 25 October)

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2012-10-24 fantasai (Wednesday, 24 October)

[css-device-adapt] Units Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Wednesday, 24 October)

[css4-selectors] Hovering and user intent Eric A. Meyer (Wednesday, 24 October)

[cssom-view] new method, like document.elementFromPoint(), but in the document's coordinate space Edward O'Connor (Tuesday, 23 October)

Agenda conf call 24-oct-2012 Daniel Glazman (Tuesday, 23 October)

Custom pseudo-elements collisions, was: Need a better way to reach into the shadow DOM subtree Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 23 October)

[css3-flexbox] possible-paradox in spec: effects of "float" on a table-component in a flex container? Daniel Holbert (Tuesday, 23 October)

[css3-mediaqueries] not (media-feature) Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Tuesday, 23 October)

[css-masking] 'clip' as shorthand for 'clip-path'? Dirk Schulze (Tuesday, 23 October)

[css4-background][css-text-decor-3][filter-effects] shadow with horizontal and vertical blur radius Dirk Schulze (Monday, 22 October)

[css3-syntax][css21] More problems with determining the character encoding Henri Sivonen (Monday, 22 October)

Proposal: @-rule for containing exclusive @media rules Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 22 October)

[css-variables] Resolving fallback-enabled cyclical property references François REMY (Sunday, 21 October)

[css3-values] Editoria,, resolution units: physical inch vs. CSS inch. Simon Sapin (Sunday, 21 October)

[css3-mediaqueries] (min-resolution: 0dpi) is false in several browsers. Simon Sapin (Sunday, 21 October)

Re: [css3-regions] issue: is first region initial containing block Anton Prowse (Saturday, 20 October)

[css3-page] Allowed page breaks for inline-block Koji Ishii (Saturday, 20 October)

[css-masking] new value for 'mask-clip' Dirk Schulze (Saturday, 20 October)

[css3-box] Re: Splitting 'display' Anton Prowse (Saturday, 20 October)

[css-display] Unofficial draft of a Display spec ready for consumption Tab Atkins Jr. (Friday, 19 October)

Re: [css3-exclusions] how to handle exclusion shape-inside overflow Alan Stearns (Friday, 19 October)

Re: Haptics CSS extension proposal Chris Nager (Friday, 19 October)

[css4-images] possible error in <image-set-decl> syntax Glenn Adams (Friday, 19 October)

[css4-images] <resolution> is not defined nor is an external definition referenced Glenn Adams (Friday, 19 October)

[CSS21] Please make the BOM take highest precedence for character encoding information for text/css (higher than HTTP) Henri Sivonen (Friday, 19 October)

[css3-transforms] Decomposing of 2D matrices Dirk Schulze (Friday, 19 October)

[css3-transforms] Mapping 3D rendering context to document Dirk Schulze (Friday, 19 October)

[css3-ui] clarification on nav-up values Yves Lafon (Thursday, 18 October)

[cssom] Make CSSStyleSheet constructable Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 18 October)

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2012-10-17 fantasai (Wednesday, 17 October)

[css4-background][css4-text] @pattern rule Sebastian Zartner (Wednesday, 17 October)

Re: [svg2] request for review of new SVG properties L. David Baron (Wednesday, 17 October)

[css3-text-decor] text-underline-position (non-issue + info in Japan) Koji Ishii (Wednesday, 17 October)

[css3-writing-modes] i18n-ISSUE-168: Incorrect Japanese for nihongo in example Richard Ishida (Wednesday, 17 October)

[css3-writing-modes] i18n-ISSUE-167: Example of Bidirectional Text Richard Ishida (Wednesday, 17 October)

[css3-writing-modes] i18n-ISSUE-166: isolate and direction property location Richard Ishida (Wednesday, 17 October)

[css3-ui] nav-index <number> value Yves Lafon (Wednesday, 17 October)

Re: [css3-flexbox] Abspos flex-item positions Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu (Wednesday, 17 October)

Agenda conf call 17-oct-2012 Peter Linss (Tuesday, 16 October)

[css-style-attr][css3-namespace] Namespace prefixes in style attributes? Simon Sapin (Tuesday, 16 October)

[css3-values] Undefined namespace prefix in attr() Simon Sapin (Tuesday, 16 October)

[css3-values] wqname vs qname, attr(*|somename) Simon Sapin (Tuesday, 16 October)

[css3-flexbox] Editorial: a few straggling instances of "flexbox" Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu (Tuesday, 16 October)

Re: Discussing possibilities of a 'CSS-ignore' rule. fantasai (Tuesday, 16 October)

Re: [css4-images] Color stop syntax fantasai (Tuesday, 16 October)

Re: [css3-writing-modes] "inline-axis" vs. "inline axis" fantasai (Monday, 15 October)

Re: [css3-break] Fragment content displayed outside fragmentainer boundary Alan Stearns (Monday, 15 October)

[css3-box][css3-lists] New box type for inline formatting contexts Anton Prowse (Sunday, 14 October)

[CSS21] How to define "block-level box" Peter Moulder (Sunday, 14 October)

[css4-images] support for SVG Paint Servers without element() Dirk Schulze (Sunday, 14 October)

[CSS3] Question on shorthand background and background-size Gérard Talbot (Sunday, 14 October)

[css3-values][css3-page] Viewport-percentage length units in the page context. Simon Sapin (Saturday, 13 October)

[cssom] Proposing a getDefaultComputedStyle method Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 12 October)

[css4-background] border-top-radius etc Lea Verou (Friday, 12 October)

[css4-background] More relaxed box-shadow grammar Lea Verou (Friday, 12 October)

[css4-background][editorial] round missing from the list of acceptable values for border-corner-shape Lea Verou (Friday, 12 October)

[css3-regions] Auto-generation (issue 15186) Alan Stearns (Thursday, 11 October)

Re: [css3-transforms][css4-background] Should the spec have {background,transform,perspective}-origin-x/y L. David Baron (Thursday, 11 October)

@import and @supports Giuseppe Bilotta (Thursday, 11 October)

Removing viewport width constraint for html Giuseppe Bilotta (Thursday, 11 October)

[CSS21] Question on height of inline-block (possible error in § 10.6.6) Gérard Talbot (Thursday, 11 October)

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2012-10-10 fantasai (Wednesday, 10 October)

[css3-writing-modes] css-logical (was before/after terminology alternative? Koji Ishii (Wednesday, 10 October)

Re: [css-regions] Concern about CSS regions flowing into generated content Andrei Bucur (Wednesday, 10 October)

[css-device-adapt][media-queries] device-width/height Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Wednesday, 10 October)

[css3-flexbox] stretching items, fixed spacing Giuseppe Bilotta (Wednesday, 10 October)

Re: [CSS21] baseline of an inline-table question Gérard Talbot (Wednesday, 10 October)

Re: [CSS21] computed font-size question Gérard Talbot (Wednesday, 10 October)

Re: [css3-conditional] Resolving issues L. David Baron (Tuesday, 9 October)

[css-counter-styles] Adding a 'speak-as' descriptor Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 9 October)

[css3-regions] text-align as a region styling property (issue 16921) Alan Stearns (Tuesday, 9 October)

Re: [CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing] sizing of absolutely positioned elements Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 9 October)

Re: [css3-multicol] unknown available width and shrink-to-fit fantasai (Tuesday, 9 October)

Agenda conf call 10-oct-2012 Daniel Glazman (Tuesday, 9 October)

[css3-flexbox] stretch apply to percentage heights WAS: Children of flex items ignoring cross-axis percentage length Ojan Vafai (Tuesday, 9 October)

Re: [css3-flexbox] "Flex Baselines" section needs to explicitly talk about in-flow flex items Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 9 October)

[css3-flexbox] Children of flex items ignoring cross-axis percentage length Rudolph Gottesheim (Tuesday, 9 October)

[css3-animation] keyframes and percentages Yves Lafon (Tuesday, 9 October)

Alternative Style Sheets Perry Smith (Tuesday, 9 October)

position: pointer Jussi Kalliokoski (Monday, 8 October)

Re: [css-counter-styles-3] Publish FPWD? Richard Ishida (Monday, 8 October)

[css-regions] Handling circular dependencies between flows Andrei Bucur (Monday, 8 October)

Re: [CSS21] Proposal to define "Block container element" Peter Moulder (Monday, 8 October)

Re: [css3-gcpm] maybe-floats vs "in-flow" Anton Prowse (Monday, 8 October)

[css3-animation] iteration count value Yves Lafon (Monday, 8 October)

Re: [CSS2.1] abs. pos. inline-block replaced element's height set to a percentage Anton Prowse (Sunday, 7 October)

[CSS21] Should baseline determination of inline-block ignore table boxes? (Was: Re: Multiple baseline question) Anton Prowse (Sunday, 7 October)

Re: [css3-positioning] z-index and pseudo-stacking contexts Anton Prowse (Sunday, 7 October)

[css3-syntax] Null bytes and U+0000 Simon Sapin (Saturday, 6 October)

[css2.1] tokenizer syntax - handling escaped null in badstring Glenn Adams (Saturday, 6 October)

[CSSWG] Missing obsoletion notices on /TR Simon Sapin (Friday, 5 October)

[css3-gcpm] content property Yves Lafon (Friday, 5 October)

Re: Re: [css3][background] background-size as the background shorthand Kyung-Tae Kim (Friday, 5 October)

[css3-regions] When to fire the regionLayoutUpdate event (issue 16391) Alan Stearns (Thursday, 4 October)

Re: User Agents Do Not Implement Absolute Length Units, Places Responsive Design in Jeopardy Dan B. (Thursday, 4 October)

inline-block baseline Tony Chang (Thursday, 4 October)

[CSS21] tables, percentages, and border-spacing fantasai (Thursday, 4 October)

[css3-lists] marker-side vs. marker-direction fantasai (Thursday, 4 October)

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2012-10-02 fantasai (Thursday, 4 October)

[css3][background] background-size as the background shorthand Kyung-Tae Kim (Thursday, 4 October)

Re: [css3-writing-modes] before/after terminology alternative? Martin J. Dürst (Thursday, 4 October)

[css-variables] Which value is substituted? Tom Potts (Thursday, 4 October)

[css-regions] Breaking regions into fragments (issue 15189) Alan Stearns (Wednesday, 3 October)

[css3-conditional] "and" vs. "{A}{N}{D}" Simon Sapin (Wednesday, 3 October)

[mediaqueries4][css3-conditional] Whitespace: "and(" vs. "and (" Simon Sapin (Wednesday, 3 October)

[css3-conditional] Media query vs. media query list Simon Sapin (Wednesday, 3 October)

Re: [css3-fonts] @font-feature-values syntax John Daggett (Wednesday, 3 October)

Agenda conf call 03-oct-2012 Linss, Peter (Tuesday, 2 October)

[css3-regions] Clarifying how named flows are rendered Alan Stearns (Tuesday, 2 October)

RE: PointerEvents and pseudo css classes (such as :hover, :active) Jacob Rossi (Tuesday, 2 October)

[css3-flexbox] Computing the height of an auto-sized multicol element in a flex container Daniel Holbert (Monday, 1 October)

Re: [css3-exclusions] how to handle exclusion shape-inside overflow Alan Stearns (Monday, 1 October)

Text anti-aliasing on the Mac Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 1 October)

Re: [css3-transforms] Should the spec have a transform-origin-x/y Florian Rivoal (Monday, 1 October)

Re: [css3-fonts] font matching of grapheme clusters John Daggett (Monday, 1 October)

[cssom] draft of color serialization rules Glenn Adams (Monday, 1 October)

Re: [css3-fonts][css-variables][css-counter-styles-3][css3-values] Case sensitivity of user-defined identifiers John Daggett (Monday, 1 October)

[css3-syntax] baduri parsing Glenn Adams (Monday, 1 October)

Has it been resolved to make position:fixed induce a stacking context? Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 1 October)

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 22:13:39 UTC