Re: [cssom] Make CSSStyleSheet constructable

On 10/19/12 6:05 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
> Let me back up a bit. With Web Components, we want to provide a way to
> load a whole library of components from a declaration file
> For example, all instances of all declared elements (x-panel,
> x-tabbox) in the example above get the "dark-and-stormy-night.css"
> stylesheet as part of the shadow root stylesheets

OK, I'm with you so far.  So we want to have a way to link to 
stylesheets from this declaration file and say "this stylesheet applies 
to all components defined in this file".  Which could be as simple as 
"this <link> is in <head>" or whatnot, right?

> In the former case, the stylesheet has a slightly different meaning.
> For example, if a script changes the href attribute, it seems logical
> that all of the stylesheets in all instances of all elements change as
> well. Similarly, changes to the stylesheet text would be reflected
> everywhere.


> Now, while we have a way to specify this shared stylesheet
> declaratively, there's no way to accomplish this imperatively.

Are you able to run script against the DOM of this declaration file?

> For example, in frameworks where components are dynamically loaded (or
> generated), their developers will use document.register
> (
> to register them with the document. As such, they would have no way to
> specify a shared stylesheet. And that seems bad.

Ah, so in this case there is no declaration file at all?

> I chose to use rule-twiddling because of encapsulation: the state of
> the tab manager is stored completely inside of the component. Had I
> put a class on the tab, I would've leaked that state onto the children
> of the tab manager.

Don't you leak it all anyway once we have the methods to get the set of 
matched CSS rules people keep asking for?


Received on Saturday, 20 October 2012 00:33:16 UTC