Re: [CSS21] How to define "block-level box"

On 15/10/2012 02:08, Peter Moulder wrote:
> I look forward to seeing
> a css3-box spec that resolves the various box-tree issues in CSS21,


> though
> I'm sorry to hear that it looks like such fixes won't appear in REC or CR
> text for a number of years.

Me too.  But it's a question of practicality: I'd rather ensure that the 
fixes are solid despite taking longer, than rush out fixes that turn out 
not to repair the shaky foundations in a very satisfactory way.  There 
have been lots of issues raised on CSS21 (by a number of people, 
including you and me) that were localized and fixable by tweaking a 
sentence or two.  (Which is not to say that they were necessarily 
trivial issues.)  But the deeper theoretical stuff like element vs box, 
box types, property assignment to boxes, "participation" in "formatting 
contexts" etc is (a) harder to solve in that way, and (b) needs to be 
carefully re-evaluated to ensure that we're providing an appropriate 
foundation for new specs such as flexbox, grid and regions whilst 
remaining sufficiently backwards-compatible.

> I tried to file only the most important issues, given that lots of
> reported issues weren't getting addressed.

I offer reassurance that even when the issues aren't being actively 
addressed, they're at least being taken on board.  (Personally, I don't 
recall many times when I've disagreed with issues you've raised on 
CSS21.)  All of this collective knowledge will continue to influence the 
direction of css3-box and other specs.

Anton Prowse

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 06:45:40 UTC