Re: [css3-conditional] Normativity of media queries

This sounds good to me. That is pretty clear.


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
> Section 3 of css3-mediaqueries, which is normative, contains this sentence:
> "The media_query_list production defined below replaces the media_list
> production from CSS2".
> Given that, I don't understand the claim made in css3-conditional that:
> "This module replaces and extends the ‘@media’ rule feature defined in
> [CSS21] section 7.2.1 and incorporates the modifications previously made
> non-normatively by [MEDIAQ] section 1."
> Section 1 is indeed non normative, but Section 3 is, so MEDIAQ, as a whole,
> makes that modification normatively, doesn't it?
> I propose to replace the sentence above by:
> "This module replaces and extends the ‘@media’ rule feature defined in
> [CSS21] section 7.2.1 and modified by [MEDIAQ] section 3."
>  - Florian

Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Senior Engineer, WebKit, Qt, EFL
Phone  +45 4093 0598 / E-mail kenneth at


Received on Thursday, 25 October 2012 08:42:46 UTC