Re: [css3-syntax] Null bytes and U+0000

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>wrote:

> Okay, based on my testing and other feedback on this thread, I've
> taken a simple hardline stance:
> 1. Literal NULLs in the input stream are pre-processed into U+FFFD
> before the tokenizer sees them.  This affects both bare NULLs and
> "escaped" NULLs (with a U+005C \ preceding it), because it happens
> before escapes are processed.
> 2. Hex-escaped NULLs (\0) actually return U+FFFD, same as a hex-escape
> for a character beyond the maximum allowed codepoint.
> This is now captured in the Syntax draft.
> This approach avoids NULLs showing up anywhere in a CSS document
> beyond the initial read from the network - everywhere past that, it's
> perfectly safe to use C-based string APIs that assume
> null-termination.  *Every* browser evinces some bugs related to this,
> so avoiding the problem seems like a good idea.
> These rules are different than what any current browser does, but they
> all do something different (and the only "convergence" is that some
> browsers simply always truncate the stylesheet at the first NULL, so
> NULLs are practically unusable in stylesheets anyway).
> Is everyone okay with this?

i'll need to look at the actual language you drafted, but sounds good in

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 00:04:00 UTC