Re: [css4-background][css4-text] @pattern rule

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Sebastian Zartner <> wrote:

> In a previous mail[1] I already exposed the idea of having an @pattern
> rule for defining arbitrary filling patterns as you can see them in many
> graphics processing tools. I was asked to split that discussion from the
> rule for defining arbitrary text decorations. So here it is again plus some
> additional information and ideas about what I have in mind.
> *Syntax:*
> @pattern IDENT {
>   form: <form> [ , <form> ]*;
>   amount: random | <number> | <percentage>;
>   distribution: [ random | even ] [ linear | area ];
>   size-variation: <percentage>{1, 2};
>   rotate: <angle>;
>   rotation-variation: <percentage>;
> }
> where
> <form> = <url> || line || dot || circle || square || triangle || wavy ||
> zigzag || chess || brick
> *IDENT* is the name of the pattern.
> *'form'* allows specifying an image url and offers several predefined
> forms, which are related to the line decorations as well as patterns in
> illustration programs.
> *'amount'* can be a random number of duplicates, a precise number or a
> percentage (relative to the size of the element it is applied to).
> *'distribution'* describes the positioning of the duplicates, which can
> be randomly or evenly spreaded in one or two dimensions.
> *'size-variation'* defines the percentual alternation of the width and
> height of the duplicates.
> *'rotate'* rotates the duplicates to a specific angle.
> *'rotation-variation'* means the percentual alternation of the rotation
> of the duplicates.
> *Usage examples:*
> background-image: stars;
> text-fill: stripes; (Just made that property up, but it represents text
> filling.)
> *Examples:*
> All this should be possible with the rule:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> *Not covered by this draft:*
> - exact positioning of individual forms
> - colors (text-decoration-color may be enough for this but will need to
> be extended to allow keeping the original form color and allow color
> variations)
> - mirroring of patterns
> - procedural patterns (wood, marble, noise, etc.)
> Sebastian
> [1]

I think that this should first be pursued in the SVG group - we're already
looking into some forms of procedural generation there.  Some of your
examples, for example, fall into the "cross-hatch fill" idea we decided to
work on at our last F2F, while others are simply existing <pattern>

I'm of the opinion that we should pursue tighter integration between SVG
and CSS, so it's easier to use some of SVG's more advanced image-generation
stuff directly in CSS, but I'm not sure how it would work right now.


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 21:51:20 UTC