w3c-wai-ig@w3.org from April to June 2005 by subject

* for required Re: Inline Style Sheet Question

3.1: Action item re foreign passages

8th Accessing Higher Ground Conference

[w3c-wai-ig] <none>

A very serious concern - Access vs accesskey (was RE: Are we really still talking about Access Keys?)

About complex tables (id´s, headers)

About test 13 (client side image-maps)

Access Element is WRONG (was RE: Are we really still talking about Access Keys?)

Access Keys

Access Keys - HPR support

Accessibility and safety-critical software

Accessibility of "CHM" format resources

Accessible Design in the Digital World Conference: Dundee, Scotl and, 23-25 August 2005

accessible on-line survey

additional label question

Against test 9 (d-links)

any help?

Are we really still talking about Access Keys?

Article: "Why Universal Accessibility Should Matter to the Digital Medievalist"

Associating semantics between languages.

ATAG review of Interwoven's Teamsite?

Attempt at an accessible RSS aggregator

Attempt at an accessible RSS aggregator [bugs fixed]

Attempt at an accessible RSS aggregator [supplemental]

Authors propose defaults RE: Access Element


Best accessible practice for adding textual images

best practise radio buttons

Braille style sheets

browser support of longdesc (was RE: Is an empty alt attribute ok when...)

Checking character count

Clear communication: (was RE: Re: Accessibility of "CHM" format resources)

colour contrast analyser version 1.0 (German version now available)

Comment - 25. XHTML Role Access Module

DHTML show/hide sections & screen readers

Divs and frames...

drempelvrij.nl toolbar r - web accessibility testing tool

Font Size Keywords (was Re: Accessibility of "CHM" format resources)

Form / label examples to review

frames and no frames content

Fwd: [SEC508] FW: Access Board public forum July 26th

Fwd: accessible on-line survey

Fwd: Avalon?

FYI - Additional Resource

FYI: Flash Tools

Hardware/software for paralysed people?

HiSoftware Components for Flash MX 2004

iFeelPixel new version

Image Maps

img::longdesc: must it be a separate page?

Inclusive Technologies' "AT Boogie" wins Superfest Awards

inherited association in complex data tables

Inline Style Sheet Question

Input element type=file

intra-page navigation is and area of current work.

Is an empty alt attribute ok when...

Java Applet in object element

label tag question

last message to the wrong list

Link separation (not to be deprecated!!!!)

Links to non accessible resources

Linux version of the colour contrast analyser 1.0

Longdesc support in Firefox (was Re: Longdesc support in Opera 8 Re: Against test 9 (d-links))

Longdesc support in Opera 8 Re: Against test 9 (d-links)

Making websites accessible - new guidance planned UK

media: Google under fire for excluding blind bloggers

media: Project to open internet to blind

More on Braille stylesheets.

Mozilla/Firefox Accessibility Extension Version 0.98 available

multimedia presentation

navigation question

New Perl module for XHTML

New version of Mozilla/Firefox Accessibility Extension 0.97.5 available

origin of colour contrast algorithms

Problems with the list?

psl align alt tip with WAI quick tip

Question about px: Relative size?

Reminder to stay on topic

remove validity completely?

RSS Aggregator - accessibility points

setting focus on a form field using javascript

showing visited links ?

Skills for Access - resources on accessible multimedia

Skip links ARE a markup problem (was RE: Skip links should be a markup problem)

Skip links should be a markup problem

Standards vs. Guidelines (was: RE: Clear communication: (was RE: Re: Accessibility of "CHM" format resources)

Summing up the debate about validity at Priority 1 or 2

survey question


Testing the "id" and "headers" attributes

Text for images used as links

The trouble with data tables!

UIUC Web Accessibility Visualization Tool Beta 7

Use of headings

Use of headings and better explanation

user over-ride px font size in Win IE (was Re: Question about px: Relative size?)

Visual Impairment Simulator for Microsoft Windows final BETA release

W4A - Web Accessibility Workshop at WWW2005

WAI Web Site Redesign Development

WCAG formalization (rewriting WCAG HTML techniques as automatable rules)

Web Accessibility Best Practices Training, 5 July 2005, in Lisbon, Portugal

Web Accessibility Engineer position open at W3C/WAI

Web Accessibility Visualization Tool updated

Web Standards Project Accessibility Task Force


Well-formed (was: Re: F2F Proposed Resolutions Draft Updates)

what sort of precedent? [was: Re: Access Element is WRONG ...]

What's AT What's a screen reader

Wizards for complex data tables

XUL Accessibility Tool - Keypad

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2005 17:07:31 UTC