Re: Link separation (not to be deprecated!!!!)

> As a developer, I'm pretty sick of having to put delimiters between
> elements that software should recognise as being independent -

I don't think that anyone has claimed the software doesn't recognize
them as different, only that it doesn't style them as different.

> especially when the situation demands that I then style them into
> invisibility!

As it is a styling defect, I would suggest that styling out the
boundary is a rather questionable approach amounting to complying
with the letter but not the spirit.  Of course, it's possible that
no browsers that honour the styling would produce visually indistinct
link boundaries.

> [Note: I now do all menus as <ul></ul>].

I don't believe that the rule was intended to cover links that are
in different block level containers.

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 06:19:14 UTC