www-style@w3.org from August 2012 by subject

[css-compositing] "add" and "subtract" blend modes

[css-compositing] How do 'alpha-compositing' and 'blend-mode' interact?

[css-compositing][filter-effects] isolation vs enable-background

[css-counters] Counters not in scope scope

[css-grid-layout] editorial issue

[css-grid-layout] New Editor's Draft Published

[css-grid][css-box] width, height and snapping

[css-masking] first proposal

[css-om][css3-conditional] spaces, newlines and rule serialization

[css-regions] Invalid access in NamedFlowCollection

[css-regions] Region.flowFrom throwing exception

[css-regions] Regions OM

[css-regions] Shadow DOM and Regions CSSOM

[css-units] Proposal for next level: Responsive Pixel

[css-variables] Different syntax for variable definition and use

[css-variables] For consideration

[css-variables] How to spec the OM for vars?

[css-variables] TLDR: get free hugs by reading this message entirely

[CSS21] [4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors] Unexpected end of string questions

[CSS21] Erratum - overflow:auto/scroll on table elements

[CSS21] In which block formatting context do things participate? (Was: Re: [CSS21] Proposal to define "Block container element")

[CSS21] os/2 and hhea tables

[CSS21] overflow and table-cell element

[CSS21] Proposal to define "Block container element"

[CSS21] Question on section optional recourse of the algorithm of 10.3.3

[CSS21] Suggestion for Introduction of new display types

[CSS21] The width/height properties list-item, run-in and table-* display types

[CSS21] Values of 'overflow' applying to (inline-)table elements are restricted in major UAs

[CSS21] Why do overflow values other than 'visible' establish a new block formatting context?

[CSS21] Width of an absolutely positioned table.

[CSS21][css3-flexbox] width calculation for 'inline-flex' not specified (was: [CSS21] Width of an absolutely positioned table.)

[css2][css3-exclusions] 'clip' with more shapes and all elements

[CSS3 Conditional Rules] Last example of Example VIII for @supports incorrect

[css3-animations] animate display, other non-animatable properties

[css3-animations] CSSKeyframeRule.keyText is wrong

[css3-animations] time sources, videos and storyboards

[css3-animations][bug-14635] animating properties that affect other properties

[css3-animations][bug-14795] Resolution of keyframe selectors outside [0%-100%]

[css3-animations][css3-conditional][css3-syntax] spaces after ATKEYWORD should not be required

[css3-animations][css3-conditional][css3-syntax] spaces after ATKEYWORD should not be required (was: [css3-conditional] value of CSSSupportsRule.conditionText)

[css3-box] run-ins: an alternative model

[css3-break] addressing individual box fragments

[css3-break] Breaking using <br> element

[css3-break] Consuming Height at Breaks

[css3-break] defining forced break behavior in non-fragmented contexts

[css3-break] editorial issue

[css3-break] page-break-* and break-* aliasing

[css3-conditional] incorporating non-normative modifications from css3-mediaqueries

[css3-conditional] navigator.supportsCSS rather than window.supportsCSS

[css3-conditional] value of CSSSupportsRule.conditionText

[css3-conditional] whitespace processing in supportsCSS

[css3-exclusions] Issue 15183

[css3-exclusions] remove <fill-rule> from "polygon()" syntax

[css3-exclusions] rename "SVG shapes"

[css3-exclusions] Use <funcIRI> instead of <uri> on path referencing

[css3-flexbox] 'align-self' property definition should be clearer 'auto' margins override it

[css3-flexbox] Abspos flex-item positions

[css3-flexbox] align-content when there's only one line.

[css3-flexbox] comments on "Resolve flexible lengths"

[css3-flexbox] Example 6 ( multi-column layouts )

[css3-flexbox] Flexbox baseline when overflow is non-visible

[css3-flexbox] for 'space-*', should compression happen when space is not enough?

[css3-flexbox] Initial values inconsistency

[css3-flexbox] is this correct use case?

[css3-flexbox] PF Comments on Flexbox

[css3-flexbox] rules for tables as flex items

[css3-flexbox] What the flex is basis?

[css3-flexbox][css3-linebox] (edge case) negative outer size and line layout

[css3-fonts] 'none' value for font-variant and font-variant-ligatures

[css3-fonts] default font features

[css3-fonts] editorial issues

[css3-fonts] new working draft published

[css3-fonts][cssom] Load events for webfonts?

[css3-gcpm] bookmark-label: keyword definitions and whitespace processing

[css3-gcpm] Example 37

[css3-gcpm] maybe-floats vs "in-flow"

[css3-gcpm] Re: conditional floats on paged media

[css3-gcpm] The value of bookmark-label should be a list

[css3-gcpm] Wrong usage of attr() function

[css3-grid-layout] "stretch" value in grid-row/column-align is underspecified

[css3-grid-layout] grid-descendant grid items

[css3-grid-layout] Misuse of computed style

[css3-grid-layout] New Grid Editor's Draft published

[css3-grid-layout] Suggestions for terminology amendments

[css3-grid-layout] Suggestions for terminology amendments (additional!)

[CSS3-Images] Object-fit's behaviour compared to background-size

[css3-intrinsic-sizing] sizing percentage width content in quirks mode

[css3-lists] at-risk counter styles

[css3-lists] Is it okay for a marker's 'content' to need used values?

[css3-lists] position:marker and compatibility with existing 'outside' implementations/content

[css3-namespace] Empty namespace vs. no namespace.

[css3-regions] Changes to Region interface members

[css3-regions] new working draft published

[css3-regions] Region interface

[css3-regions][cssom] NamedFlowCollection as a live collection?

[css3-sizing] fill-available and floats

[css3-sizing] fill-available in block direction and infinite size

[css3-sizing] Intrinsic Sizing Spec

[css3-syntax] !important vs. ! /**/ important

[css3-syntax] comments on parsing states

[css3-syntax] Thoughts on proposed Syntax module

[css3-text] Behavior of text-decoration with differing font sizes, subscript, superscript, etc.

[css3-text] Better wording than "known to be language X" (was line-break questions/comments

[css3-text] Break opportunity between two different line-break values (was line-break questions/comments

[css3-text] katakana-hiragana prolonged sound mark

[css3-text] letter spacing examples

[css3-text] line-break questions/comments

[css3-text] New tests: White space in CSS3

[css3-text] one dot leader (U+2024), vertical presentation form for vertical horizontal ellipsis (U+FE19)

[css3-text] Proposal for text decoration blink value

[css3-text] require UAX#14 for line breaks in CSS? (was line-break questions/comments

[css3-text] Spread distance for text-shadow

[css3-text] Styling of text decoration

[css3-text] the width of an inline non-replaced element

[css3-text]New tests: Line breaks in CSS3 Text

[css3-transforms] Missing text about transforms inducing an abs-pos containing block

[css3-ui][css4-ui] block-overflow property

[css3-values] case sensitivity of user identifiers

[css3-values] viewport units (v*) and zoom

[css3-writing-modes] editorial comments on Appendix D: Intrinsic Dimensions

[css4-images] Comments on cross-fade

[css4-images] conic gradients is misnamed possibly was(First draft of css4-images, feedback requested)

[css4-images] element() and <video>

[css4-images] element() behavior

[css4-images] element() syntax (was: First draft of css4-images, feedback requested)

[css4-images] First draft of css4-images, feedback requested

[css4-images] non-premultiplied gradients and in the wild

[css4-images] Questions about element()

[css4-images] repeating-conic-gradient was (First draft of css4-images, feedback requested)

[css4-images] Support for SVG paint servers

[css4-multicol?] column-height

[cssom-view] value of scrollLeft in RTL situations is completely busted across browsers

[cssom] .style on CSSFontFaceRule and CSSPageRule should probably not be CSSStyleDeclarations as that interface is currently defined

[CSSOM] Behavior of setting .style.foo to null

[cssom] CSSRule.parentRule and CSSRule.parentStyleSheet should return a "CSSRule?"

[cssom] serialize a CSS declaration block

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-08-01

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-08-08

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-08-15 Wed AM II: Fonts, Text

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-08-15 Wed PM I: Filters, Transforms, Masking

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-08-15 Wed PM II: Writing Modes, Lists and Counter Styles, Case-sensitivity and Normalization

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-08-15 Wed PM III: Sticky Positioning, Animations, SciNot

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Deigo F2F Mon 2012-08-13 AM: @supports and Selectors 4

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-13 PM II: Pseudo-elements and Overflow

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-14 AM I: F2F schedule, CSSOM

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-14 Noonish: Images Level 4, FPWD Criteria

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-14 Tue AM II: Regions, Exclusions, and Collisions

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-15 Wed AM I: Experimental Features Policy aka Prefixing

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-28 AM I: F2F schedule, CSSOM

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-28 Tue AM II: Regions, Exclusions, and Collisions

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-29 Noonish: Images Level 4

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F 2012-08-29 Noonish: Images Level 4, FPWD Criteria

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F Mon 2012-08-13 PM I: Syntax, Fragmentation

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F Tue 2012-08-14 PM I: Grid Layout

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions San Diego F2F Tue 2012-08-14 PM II: CSS Variables

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2012-08-29: Masking, Animating Transforms

[CSSWG][css3-break] Updated WD of CSS3 Fragmentation

[CSSWG][css3-text] Updated WD of CSS3 Text

[CSSWG][css3-values] CSS3 Values and Units Candidate Recommendation!

[CSSWG][selectors4] Updated WD of Selectors Level 4

[filter-effects] apply filter to border and background

[media-queries] and Ambient Light Sensor API

[media-queries] chicken-egg problem with font-based lengths

[media-queries] Using calc()

[selectors4] drag-and-drop pseudo-classes

[selectors4] Editorial: E with a default namespace.

[selectors4] Requested selectors

[selectors4] Specificity in base 256

[selectors4] The draft from the future

[Syntax Level 3]

[Transitions] Add a convenience property for determining if an element is in transition.

[whatwg] [selectors4] drag-and-drop pseudo-classes

a :time pseudo-class for media elements (and examples on how it would be useful and generic)

Agenda conf call 08-aug-2012

Agenda conf call 29-aug-2012

Agenda conf call 30-aug-2012

Altering HTML attributes using CSS

box-sizing + intrinsic dimensions

Comment syntax

conditional floats on paged media

CSS feature detection queries

CSS Testing Events 2012: Beijing and Paris

css3-speech, additional values for speak-as: duration, date, time, etc

Downloading specifications and comparing differences

Explicit feature manifesting for backward-compatibility safety (Was: Comment syntax)

Fwd: img srcset / css image-set issues

Fwd: Re: CSS Testing Events 2012: Beijing and Paris

img srcset / css image-set issues

List of selectors under consideration for Selectors Level 4?

Next step for DAP Ambient Light Events

Page and column floats and vertical (was RE: conditional floats on paged media

Path to polyfilling CSS functions?

Previous-sibling combinator

Pseudo-element proposal

Region overflow proposal

Region overflow proposal - computed dimensions

Request for last-visible-child selector

Status of CSS3 Generated Content Module

Thinking about mixins as a new type of selector

答复: CSS Testing Events 2012: Beijing and Paris

Last message date: Friday, 31 August 2012 23:21:23 UTC