Re: [css-variables] Different syntax for variable definition and use

|  I don't see a use-case for being able to ask for the value of a
|  nonsense property and provide fallback for if it doesn't exist.

Obviously, because the amount of supported properties in a browser evolve 
over time, so a non-sense property for one browser maybe make sense to 
another one. You may want to use the value of a property if it exists and 
still want to support the browsers which don't support the property, or you 
may want to specify an unprefixed property and fallback to prefixed 
properties if it doesn't exist. Anyway, you've to define the behavior in 
case someone specify a non-existing property; as such I don't see why it 
should be different from the one of custom properties. 

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 20:47:38 UTC