Re: [media-queries] and Ambient Light Sensor API

Le 21/08/12 16:20, François REMY a écrit :

> If I can rebound on this, I proposed a CSS Media Query filter for ALS 10
> days ago:
> In addition to "ambient light level in lux" (which is an unit most
> authors don't understand), I propose the addition of UA-defined levels,
> that can even be tailored in function of the luminosity of the screen.

Really sorry François, I have missed it totally (you released it just
before my californian trip and I was too busy to look at news) and made
my suggestion without trying to step our your feet. Your proposal is
much better than mine. Loving it!

So there is clearly a use case in EPUB3 for this.


Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 14:32:30 UTC