Re: [CSS21] overflow and table-cell element

On 8/9/12 11:59 PM, "Gérard Talbot" wrote:
> I've added 'table-layout: fixed' to the test and the necessary table
> objects into
> and all browsers are still failing that version2 test, as coded. says:

   The table's width may be specified explicitly with the 'width'
   property. A value of 'auto' (for both 'display: table' and 'display:
   inline-table') means use the automatic table layout algorithm.

so you're still getting the same behavior as "table-layout: auto" 
because your table doesn't have a fixed width....

> Thank you for your quick and accurate reply. I appreciate this.

No problem.  ;)


Received on Friday, 10 August 2012 04:04:14 UTC